Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First Haircut

Okay, so the babe is almost 2 years old and had never had a haircut. He hadn't really needed one. If you can remember, he was quite bald for a long time. He finally started getting hair but it is naturally curly and very baby fine. It had started taking on a look like the Donald, which isn't a good look for anyone, much less my sweet boy. So we decided that it was time for a haircut. Hubby has been going to a woman that he really likes and she has a son almost the same age as the babe, so he called and made an appointment for last Saturday. In preparation for the big day, we talked to him about it and made it seem as fun as going to the zoo. I was nervous that he was going to freak out and therefore get a very bad haircut, but much to our surprise he did wonderful. He sat very still on his Daddy's lap. Hairdresser woman introduced hin to the scissors and comb and told him what she was going to do. I sat quietly across from him, trying to choke back my tears. My little boy was getting his first haircut. We left his curls in the back, and just had the sides and front trimmed. He still looks like a baby, but also like a little boy. I love watching him grow, but sometimes it is hard on my heart. Here is a before and after pic of the hair. I did good and left the camera in the car for the actual cut, I thought it might freak him out if I was snapping pics like the paparazzi.

**Okay, so for whatever reason I am unable to upload the pics, I will try to post them later.


Kristi said...

Aww... it sounds like a bittersweet experience for you. Looking forward to the photos.

Curtis said...

The thing I remember about the first haircut I can remember is that I didn't like it.

Brittany said...

C has had two haircuts already. Not too shabby for a baby who lost all of his hair the month after he was born.

Elmwood said...

fyi I came here EXPECTING Halloween pics..I will wait patiently though..thank you! :)