Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I'm back from the abyss

Oh my goodness! Has it really been over a year since my last post? I am so sorry for that. My only excuse is my 3 year old. He keeps me so busy, there is never a dull moment with him around. So much has changed in a year. I have tried to read a few of my favorite blogs, with little success. I feel like I have lost touch with everyone. So I bet you are wondering what has brought me back from the abyss of my life...Well it was actually a concerned blogger that I used to read quite frequently over at the Peanut Gallery. She emailed me today and I felt totally horrible for not writing anything in over a year. There are people that post everyday and some that post multiple times a day, I should at least be good for one post a week! How hard can that be? I am sure most people are probably on Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter. I am on none of the above. I prefer to write anonymously. None of my friends or family know about my blog and I prefer to keep it that way. Then if I want to talk or vent about them, I can and I don't have to worry about hurting their feelings! So what has been happening in the past year? I see that some things in Blogger have changed. I guess blogging is like riding a bike, even though it has been a while, it is all coming back to me now!

Updates on the cast of my life:
The babe is 3 now, he will be 4 in November. He is extremely smart and cute! I have lots of stories to tell about him.

The princess is almost a teenager. She is 2 inches shorter than me and just beautiful! She just started the 8th grade. It is hard to believe how grown up she has gotten.

Hubby is still the love of my life. We will celebrate our 6th anniversary in November! Wow that is a long time.

Granny is doing great at the Nursing Home. She really likes it there. We have had our share of problems since she moved there, but we have gotten everything worked out. I go see her at least once a week. My mom and I are supposed to be taking turns doing her laundry, but Granny told me that she likes it better when I do them because they smell better. She must like the Snuggle fabric softner! I have not told Mom this, I just told her that I really don't mind doing them and it is easier for me to keep up with her clothes if I just do them all!

The rest of my family is about the same, just a year older. I am sure there will be stories to come of them. Anyway, it is great to be posting again and I swear I will try to get out at least one post a week. I really have missed it!


eatmisery said...

Awwww, I didn't mean to guilt you into posting again. I just wondered what happened to you. I'm glad all is well. You HAVE been missed, you know.

Don't be a stranger. It's fun having you around.

The Queen B said...

Glad you're back, now if only I can convince myself to return!!