Friday, October 28, 2005

2 weeks and counting...

It is official. I am due in 2 weeks. I hope the baby comes by then. I went to my weekly doctors appointment on Wednesday and my cervix is thinned about 50% but no dialation yet. The baby has dropped, which means I am in severe pain in my pubic area. I just thought I was uncomfortable before. It hurts to walk and stand up, but it will all be over soon and I will have my sweet baby in my arms. I asked my doctor about how much longer he thought and he said probably 2 weeks. Hubby and I are having sex as much as possible to try and hurry along the process. Sex at this point is not the most comfortable thing that I have ever done, but it is supposed to help start labor, when of course your body is ready.

Painting in the nursery has begun. The walls have been primed and are awaiting their coats of paint, which should happen this weekend. Mine and baby's bags are packed for the hospital. I have lists of people for my hubby to call when we go to the hospital. Now we just wait.

I know some of this might have been TMI for some of you, but I just wanted to update everyone on what was going on.


Elmwood said...

not TMI at all....I am so excited for you--I hear walking helps as well

ellen said...

I wish you a seamless delivery and a healthy baby. God bless.

ellen said...

Well?!?!? Is it HERE yet? And is it pink or blue?