Thursday, October 20, 2005

Memory Lane

I have been strolling down memory lane lately. Hubby and I have been unpacking boxes and sorting out the trash and things that we can live without and repacking the things that we really want to keep from our past. I have several boxes of stuff from my school days, some of it as early as elementary school. I still have letters from friends and boy friends and every card I have ever received. I still have the things that I won at the fair as a child as well as stuffed animals that were given to me. I have receipts for my prom dresses and receipts for my class ring, which was stolen along with the rest of my jewelry last year. I have movie tickets for every movie I have ever seen. I think you get the idea, I am a saver, a pack-rat if you will. I keep anything that may be sentimental. That was all fine and dandy except I don't have room for all of those momentos now, it is time to clean the clutter and eliminate some things from the past. I don't need every card or letter that anyone has ever written me. I started on Tuesday night sorting throught the memories, funny how our mind forgets things that at the time they happened were so important. I read letters that I hadn't touched in 15 or more years. Remember signing your letters LYLAS? I had plenty of those stashed among my things. I wonder where those people are today, you know the ones you went to school with and you vowed to never lose touch. It was hard remembering some of things, like my ex's. It brought back memories of the pain and heartache that I have endured (and caused) over the years. But that is all behind me now, I am a person than I was back then, some of those experiences and people helped make me into the person I am today. I wonder if most of those people would know me if they saw me now. Would I know them? A few of them I still keep in touch with, but for the most part they have faded from the picture of my life, as I have from theirs. I wonder if they kept the letters and cards that I sent to them? Anyway, I have condensed my three boxes of memories to one box that will be packed away in our attic until who knows when.

Today is also my unanniversary. I got married for the first time 10 years ago today. Funny how time flies. I am so thankful that I am not still married to him, nor do I have any idea where he is or what he is doing. I wonder if I crossed his mind today? Hopefully he is somewhere sitting, crying and feeling pitiful for all the shit that he put me through in our marriage, no really I wish him nothing but the best. This day makes me thankful and happy that I divorced him and married my wonderful hubby and am pregnant with his child.

All this strolling on memory lane makes me want to crank up Nickelback's Photograph and sing to the top of my lungs. TTFN and LYLAS and oh yeah we will always be BFF.


Elmwood said...

Sooo funny... LYLAS if I loved people like I loved my sis I would be mad at them all the
Ahhhh memory lane..good times..With the baby on the way you are about to get a whole other set of memories....Enjoy!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh your unanniversary! I love the way you put that and understadn all too well. Mine is on my brithday! yuck!

I think your REAL anniversary is not far off either. It will be shortly after baby gets here right?

Miss ya!