Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Counting the days...

Don't count the days, make the days count. Such a true statement. On my commute to work every morning I pass this company that has a sign and every week or so they put a different saying on it. Most of the time it is an inspirational message, something to make you think. That statement is what is on their sign now. I saw it for the first time last week and I thought how true it should be. Instead of counting the days to the next event in our lives we should be doing something everyday to make that day count. If you continually live your life bumbling from one event to the next and not enjoying the time in between you are wasting your life. I try to do something everyday to make a difference to someone or something. I challenge you to make everyday count.


Anonymous said...

With my sister's wedding looming ahead this is in my mind. Maybe I can work this into a toast? :-)

Elmwood said...

sunshine--how inspiring--thank you!!