Thursday, January 19, 2006

This is turning into the day from hell...

This morning started off wonderful. I got up in plenty of time to get myself and my baby ready and get him dropped off at my mother-in-laws house and get to work. We got in the car at 7:25. We were driving along and about 5 minutes from where I normally get on the interstate traffic was stopped. All 3 lanes were stopped. So I sat there, and sat there, after 10 minutes I knew I would be late for work, so I called my boss to inform him. I needed to call the cable company because apparently last month I did not pay the bill, well no I didn't pay the bill because I never got the bill. I am sure that everyone that pays their bill late says the same thing. So I called them and took care of my business with them, thankfully I can call them tomorrow and pay the balance and not have our service interrrupted. Anyway, 25 minutes later traffic was finally moving. WHOO HOO! Thank goodness my hungry baby was sleeping in his carseat through the whole ordeal. I finally get to the interstate and everything is moving smoothly until I go around a really big curve, and guess what? If you guessed that traffic was stopped you guessed correctly. I sat there in creeping crawling traffic for another 10 minutes or so to go the 1 mile to my exit. In the meantime my sweet baby woke up and was eating his carseat straps and his fist because he was hungry. So I finally got to my mother-in-laws got the baby fed and got my ass to work, 45 minutes late!

Then once I get here, my office assistant informs me to stay away from her she has been throwing up all night. GEE THANKS! Thanks for bringing your throw-up germs to an enclosed office space so I can breathe them and hopefully not get sick! Why don't people realize that sick days are just that, when you have things that other people don't want stay your ass at home. I especially don't want it because I have a 2 month old that I would prefer to not be sick if we can at all avoid it. Anyway she is coughing and hacking and she keeps coming in my office to ask me stuff, but I can't really let her go home yet, until after I get back from feeding my baby at lunch. How do you politely tell someone to stay the f*ck away from you and out of your office because you don't want their germs? Oh yeah and while your at it, go wash your hands and spray your work area with germ killing spray. WHAT A FREAKING NIGHMARE THIS DAY IS TURNING INTO! I hope your day is going better.


Elmwood said...

get a can of Lysol and whenever she steps foot near you just spray her ass down and the area around you--she'll get it eventually :)~
I HATE people who go to work sick!!

Anonymous said...

Gawd! maybe you should keep one of those little anti-germ masks in your desk and put it on whenever she comes in, that might give her the hint.

My Thrusday and Friday sucked too! Hope this week is going better.

Janet said...

Since this post was written a few days ago I hope things are going better. That or you did actually get sick from nasty co worker's germs after all.:(