Friday, January 06, 2006

The love of my life and losing big!

TGIF! I didn't think it was ever gonna get here. Well as you all know I have a new baby, well he is 2 months old, but still new to me. He is my first, and I tell you he was well worth all the aches and pains of pregnancy and the c-section that brought him into this world. Motherhood is awesome! It is like nothing I could have ever imagined. I never get tired of looking at my child, this little life that I, along with some help from my hubby created. He is truly a gift from God. I rush on my lunch break to get to my baby and when I get home I just want to hold him tight and give him a million kisses. He is truly the love of my life. Talk about love at first sight, when you see your child for the first time and hear that first cry there is no better feeling. Everyone tries to tell you about it, but until you experience it for yourself you never quite understand. My son is the best gift that I have ever been given. Anyway enough mushy stuff. I will try not to write about my son all the time, but from time to time I will write about him.

On to other things, like getting my prepregnancy body back. I remember looking at myself naked in the mirror all the time while I was pregnant and I remember thinking that there was no way I would ever be able to lose all this weight and I would never get my body back. Don't get me wrong, my body was nothing to marvel at before I got pregnant, but it wasn't too bad. Well after 24 lbs of pregnancy weight gain and more stretch marks than I care to count, it is coming back. The funny thing is that I am 13 lbs lighter than I was before I got pregnant and I feel skinny. I have lost weight everywhere, except my boobs! By the time my child was 2 weeks old I was wearing my old jeans. Now my old jeans are loose on me. I will need new clothes soon, as all of my old ones are gradually becoming too big. It is amazing to me, I know people who had children years ago and still have extra baby weight. Maybe it is because I am so happy. Maybe it is because I have other things to occupy my time other than eating. Maybe it really is the breastfeeding. Who knows, all I know is I hope I can keep up the weight loss and not gain one pound of it back.

1 comment:

ellen said...

Hi Sunshine, I was so glad to hear from you. I'm delighted that you and baby are healthy and happy; congratulations, mama!