Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dressing appropriately

Do you dress for the season or for the weather? Have you ever really thought about it? I live in Georgia and we only have 2 basic seasons, summer and not summer. In the summer months and long after it is hot and humid and for the most part miserable. You just can't get cool. In the not summer seasons, such as the months of November, December, January, and February, which is considered our cold months, some people refer to them as fall and winter. To me winter is cold. But then again when you are used to having 95 degree days, a high of 60 may be considered cold. Anyway I am rambling, let me get to my point. I think just because it is 75 degrees outside in January it is still not acceptable to wear sandles and shorts or capri pants out in public yet. There is plenty of time for that, like the other 8 months of the year. I think you should dress for the season, there are cooler lighter clothes that are still wintery for those 75 degree days. Just because we are having a warm winter does not mean that it is time for the summer clothes to come out, summer will be here soon enough and all the Georgians will be fussing and complaining about the heat. What do you think, should you dress for the weather or the season?


Anonymous said...

I think you have to draw the line somewhere in the middle. On one hand it's just ridiculous to see girls in fur lined boots and puffy parkas when its friggen 70 degress outside. But like you, I also hate to see people out in capri's and flip flops. With a little common sense you can do both! Dress for the season AND the weather.

Elmwood said...

75 in January??? I am SO jealous!
I totally agree with the appropriate dressing. I will not wear sandals before May or after about 2nd week in Sept..I have very strict "seasonal dressing" rules
Can I just tell you it's 45 degrees here and we are all like "it's so nice out" lol