Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My heart is aching. I have a few blogs that I read regularly and most of them I have been reading since the beginning of my blogging days, a year and a half ago. I feel close to you all and you know who you are. Anyway the Narcissist's Secret is going through something no parent should ever have to experience; the death of a child. If you get a chance go by and offer some words of encouragement. I know nothing can make it better, except time. I just feel so bad for her and her family. I don't know what I would do if it were me and I pray that I never have to find out. Amazing how your heart can hurt for someone that you have never physically met!


Elmwood said...

sunshine-so true
or how happy you can be (like I was for you) when a blogger is having her very first baby!!!!
Odd how we affect each other so strongly..you are very sweet!

The Narcissist said...

Thank you sunshine for hurting with me. I've found such solace from the blog and from people like you. Just know how much you've helped.


By the way, I do read via bloglines, and one of these days I will get around to getting my links back up there. It's been a while, but I am beginning to read blogs again, especially now that I need the distraction more than ever.