Thursday, March 02, 2006

Routines and the sweet things

I think I am finally getting in to a routine, if you will, for work and home. There has to be some balance somewhere, but I can tell you it is very hard to find. I feel like I am neglecting household chores because I am gone all day to work. Well when I get off work I have to run over to my mother-in-laws and pick up my little sweet angel. Most of the time I stay a few minutes, I have to find out how he was for the afternoon. Sometimes he wants to eat when I get there and on those days I am there an extra 30 minutes or so (he is a slow eater!). By the time I get home it is usually close to 7 pm. Thank goodness I have a wonderful hubby who already has dinner started, especially on the nights that we have his daughter (we have to take her home by 8:30). Anywho by the time I get home and get supper on the table and everyone fed, including the baby (he eats cereal now at the table with the rest of the family), it is close to 8 pm. I still have to bathe the baby and get him ready for bed, get his bag packed for the next day, clean the kitchen, nurse him, and try to get him to sleep. I usually try to have him in bed and asleep by 9. He is so tired by then, most of the time he is asleep by 8:30. Well after he goes to bed, I still have so much to do but I am so tired that I only get maybe a load of laundry done or get the dishwasher loaded before I am off to bed myself. I need a few more hours in the day so I can enjoy my family and get done all the things that need to be done. I don't see it getting any easier either. Soon the little one will be crawling and then I won't be able to take my eyes off of him for fear that he is playing in the toilet or sticking things in the electrical outlets, let's face it you can only babyproof so much!

Now on to something much sweeter. I want to talk about my little one for a minute or two. He is so amazing! I cannot believe how fast he is growing and developing. It seems everyday he has learned something new. He is just like a little sponge and I am trying to fill him with knowledge and happy things. He smiles all the time. When he gets really tired he will "sing", of course not really singing heck he can't even talk yet, but sort of making really long sounds that could be singing. I think it is singing because if I am trying to get him to sleep I usually sing or hum a song to him. It is truly the cutest thing. I just love him so much. I especially love when it is bedtime and he lets me snuggle him close as he drifts off to sleep. After he is asleep I just lay there in the glow of the nightlight caressing his face and hands and kissing him ever so gently. I always say a prayer and thank God for sending him to me and ask that he please watch over him and keep him safe. I am trying to keep a journal for him. I started it while I was pregnant, but I haven't written in it since he was born. So I started back to writing last night, because I do not want to forget a single moment with him and the moments are passing by way too fast. I skipped a lot of pages I just hope I can remember enough about his first 4 months to fill them up.


Janet said...

If only we could stay little forever. To be smiling all the time, not a care in the world....

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it gets easier.. the working Mom thing... cause right now I'm haivng a hard time. :-)

I miss you. I miss Jackson.

The Queen B said...

Thanks for the encouragement you left on my site!

It's amazing how fast they grow, huh? Don't Blink, these days just slip away.