Monday, March 06, 2006

I am so sleepy today. My little one had a rough night, which means that I had a rough night. Isn't that the perfect way to round out a rough day? I think the teething devils are wreaking havoc in his little gums. My normally sweet (angelic if you will) baby has been so fussy this weekend. He did not want to sit in his little vibrating rocking chair or anywhere else most of the day. He wanted to be held, not just held, he wanted to be held and walked or danced around. He has so much drool, it looks like a water fountain. I have to keep a bib on him, if not he soaks the front of his outfit. I had some things that I really needed to get done, like lunch, so I packed him in the front facing carrier and strapped him to my body while I prepared lunch yesterday. He never uttered a sound, he carefully watched me put together all the ingredients for chicken tetrazinni and then he went to sleep. I knew he was tired, but he would not give up the fight. So I carefuly took him out of the carrier and lay him peacefully in his bed. He didn't even wake up a little bit. So I went back to the kitchen to finish my cooking and clean up the mess I had made. The silence did not last long, he might have slept about 30-45 minutes of his 2 hour nap. You know what that means, yeah it means that soon the ill baby of earlier will be back. He stayed awake for a little while, but I caved and put him in his swing. Surely that will knock him out, and it did. He took the rest of his much needed nap and awoke a happy baby once more. I used the Oraj*l this weekend as well as Teething tablets that the doctor recommended. They seemed to help a bit, but he was still cranky. He doesn't seem to care for the cold teether things, not yet anyway. He changes everyday, so he might like them today. Anywho he was ready for bed before 8 last night, so I nursed him and tucked him in. He went right to sleep, no crying! Well he woke up at 11:30 and then again at 3 and then again at 5 and then again at 7, the last one was okay because it was time to eat before I have to go to work. Needless to say this morning I am sleepy. I need at least a 4 hour stretch to feel rested and I missed it last night. A nice big cup of coffee would be wonderful, but I can't have any caffeine, so I will just use toothpicks to keep my eyes open. Keep your fingers crossed that tonight will be better. I am taking him to have his pictures taken tomorrow, so I hope he sleeps well tonight so he will look rested in his pictures.


Anonymous said...

I remember those days. You feel helpless and miserable and senseless with sleep deprivation all at the same time. *Sigh* Now my little one breaks my heart with words. Like saying "You work too much Mommy!" :-(

I hope you both got some rest. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the caving into the swing thing, but sometimes you just have got to do it!

I'm with you on that one! And? So not looking forward to this teething stage.