Monday, March 20, 2006

Welcome to Motherhood

Okay I think I am putting hte story of me on hold for a while. The reason for this pause is that I just don't have time to put that much thought into my posting right now. You know I have a new, well he is 4 1/2 months old, baby, and work and things at home are hectic with hubby working an extra little part-time job to help pay off Christmas and the new baby. Anywho I just don't have time to sit down and think out my posts for the story of me and trust me they need to be thought out. So back to my regular posts for now and periodically maybe I will do another chapter in The Story of Me series. How about that?

I am really tired today. My sweet little angel had his 4 month old check-up complete with 4 shots on Friday. He weighs 16 lbs and 10 ozs and he is 27 inches long! Yes he is a big boy. He cried for a minute after his shots until I picked him up, then he was okay. He is such a trooper, I hope he stays like that. The shots have made him cranky this weekend. A cranky baby is no fun! He had some good moments, but for the most part he was cranky. Last night he decided that he did not want to sleep, well I am pretty sure that he did not decide it, but something was preventing him from getting his normal sleep. He was asleep by 9:30 and awake at 11:30 and I nursed him and he went back to sleep, so did I. He woke up again at 1:30, I tried to nurse him, that usually puts him right back to sleep. He finally went back to sleep by about 2. Then guess what? He woke up again at 4 am. By this time I am so ill, I just want to cry too. Nothing really comforted him, none of the usual things. He just was not going back to sleep. So we stayed up, despite my pleading with him to please go back to sleep for Mommy just until 6 am, then we could both get up and play while I got ready for work. Pleading with a 4 month old is a lost cause! So, I put him in his exersaucer thing in front of cartoons while I did some things in the kitchen. I might as well take advantage of the extra hour that I had this morning before I had to be at work. Anyway I am tired and ill today, but when I went to see my sweet little angel at lunch he was feeling much better after his 4 HOUR power nap! I wish I could take a 4 HOUR power nap, but the phone will n ot stop ringing for me to take a 4 minute nap, so oh well. I was telling one of my co-workers, who has 2 of her own about it and she looks at me and smiles and says, "Welcome to motherhood."


Anonymous said...

I always hated it when I'd vent to other Mom's I knew and they got all smarmy. They mean well I guess.

Hope you get some rest soon!

Anonymous said...

Where'd ya go? Hopefully that sweet angel of yours hasn't depleted all your energy!!