Thursday, May 17, 2007

Busy, Busy

Oh my goodness, I feel like such a slacker! I am so sorry for the lack of posting lately! I have all these posts floating around in my head, but no time to actually post them! I feel like I have not slowed down in weeks. Working full time and taking care of my family and house is really taking its toll on me. We are going to the beach Memorial Day weekend and I cannot wait for the break, at least I am praying that I will get a break. I have already gotten our daughter packed and I have gotten the babe about half packed. I need to start packing for hubby and I tonight. I just have no time to do anything extra like pack and prepare for this trip. We will be leaving next Friday morning and getting back home on Monday night, but I took Tuesday off too, so maybe I will be able to post some pics Wednesday. I am nervous about going too. We have never taken the babe that far away before, I don't know how he will handle being in the car for 5-6 hours. We have even thought about leaving Thursday night around bedtime and driving a little more than half-way and just staying in a hotel and then driving on to the beach Friday at his naptime. Even if we do that, we won't be able to do that on the trip home, so that only solves half the problem. We are taking a portable DVD player so maybe he will be entertained enough by watching a movie. The other thing I am worried about is bedtime. The condo that we are staying in does not have a baby bed. We do have a Pack n Play, but he will not sleep in it. He will have to sleep with us, which is fine, but I don't want him to get used to sleeping with us because that is a habit I don't want to start. The other issue is that everything, including bedtime will be off schedule. I am not a stickler for a strict schedule, sometimes at home he goes to bed at 8:30 and sometimes he goes at 10:00, but we do the same routine and then I put him in his bed. I just hope it doesn't mess him up too bad to not be in his environment. He also has a hard time going to sleep when he isn't in his bed. You see I am excited about going to the beach, but I am stressed about it too. I am sure that most of what is stressing me is stupid stuff that will work itself out, but if I have to spend 4 days trapped in a condo with a cranky babe, I will go insane! Hubby's mom and sister are going too so I will have extra help and people to help keep him entertained, so maybe it will be okay. Another thing is that we do not have a car big enough to take all the things that we need, so I am trying to pack light, but really with children how do you do that? They have to have toys and extra changes of clothes and blankets and stuffed animals.

Anyway I also have to get my house cleaned before we leave because my mom and step-dad are coming to house and dog sit on Saturday and Sunday while we are gone. I am grateful that they are coming, but my mom is a clean freak and I don't want the uncleanliness of my house to drive her crazy. I don't want her to spend her time at my house cleaning because that will make my hubby crazy! I also have to make sure that I stock the fridge and pantry with some food so they will have something to eat while they are there. So when I am not sleeping or working, I am cleaning or packing. I was actually in the shower this morning with my Mr.Clean Magik Eraser* scrubbing down the shower. Multi-tasking, that is the only way that I can get it all done! The eraser worked wonders on the soap scum, the shower was shining when I was finished. That thing is amazing. I wonder why it has taken me so long to use it. Something else that I cannot live without is Lysol wipes. I use them everyday to wipe down the kitchen counters and sink. I also use them when I clean the bathroom and they work great, they clean and disinfect! I also could not live without my Swifer* sweeper. It does such a great job picking up all the dog hair on our kitchen floor. Anyway, now I am just rambling about cleaning supplies, I ramble when I am stressed.

*I know these words are misspelled!


Cricky said...

I love my magic eraser. I wish they would have had those things around when I was a kid so that my mom could have spent less time yelling at me for coloring on the walls....I'm sure that had to be a huge sort of stress for her...:)

I used to stress like crazy for vacation packing, then I got married. Now Al makes me take necessities only. Must pack panties, deoderant, toothbrush, and medicines. Everything else can be purchased at the nearest WalMart if I can't vacation without it.

eatmisery said...

The Babe will adjust well. You'll see. It'll go smoother than you think.

My kids were in the car for 5 hours last summer. My son was sixteen months old and my daughter was two months old at the time. They did awesome!

I'll cross my fingers that your trip is stress-free.