Friday, May 11, 2007

What's for supper?

Why am I the only one that knows that answer to that question? Everyday my hubby calls me and asks me what we are having for supper. I guess because I am the wife and mother the responsibility of planning the meals, buying the groceries and then cooking the meal all falls back on me. We usually have the basics for a meal, but I hate having to come up with the meals EVERY SINGLE DAY! OH HOW I HATE IT! I want to be a good mommy and have balanced meals, but I don't have a lot of time to cook during the week, so we usually end up having the same few things all the time. What I really hate though is wen hubby asks me what we are having and I tell him and that isn't what he wants. WELL WHAT IN THE HELL WOULD YOU LIKE FOR SUPPER? I don't know but not whatever it is that I am cooking. So, last night after having a 15 minute discussion about what we could have for supper, but still not coming up with anything I told him to sit down and write out a menu for next week because I am really tired of having it all fall on me and then he isn't happy with what I cook. Well do you think he did it? Of course not, so I sat down today and wrote out the menu and that is what I will buy at the grocery store and that is what I will cook and if he doesn't like it I don't want to hear it. He had his opportunity. Does anyone else have this problem? What are some quick meals that you cook? I am running out of ideas.


CharmingDriver said...

HEE!! Sorry, my ideas end at bacon -n- eggs or hamburger helper (singles, of course, heh). But I feel ya on the ''mommy mommy what's for dinner'' from a grown-up man because: UGH!!

Kristi said...

Are we married to the same man? I swear to God, if I had a dime for every time my husband said, after me telling him what we're having, "Well, I don't want that for dinner!" I would be rich. I tell him constantly that our house is not a restaurant, and he'll eat what I make him!

As for quick meals, have you ever done breakfast for dinner (waffles, pancakes, etc.)? I tend to make stuff ahead of time, freeze it, and then defrost it throughout the week.

PS: Happy Mother's Day. :)

Jodi said...

Oh man, I hate that too. Sometimes the teens will call me on my way home to ask me that question! I hate it!

Quick and easy:
My kids like tortellini, sauce, bread, salad.
They like grilled cheese and soup.
They like any of those "Crock Pot in a bag" meals you can get in the freezer section.
They like chicken breasts with "shake-n-bake" with a side of rice or noodles.
Does that help?

Happy Mother's Day!

Cricky said...

Our menu last week was -

Sunday - Shrimp boil/ Cajun Trash
Monday - Stoffers Lasagna
Tuesday - Pizza Hut (Only because I was up to my ears in homework and Al had a meeting until 9pm)
Wednesday - Hot Dogs and chips
Thursday - PBJ's after the gym for the kids. Salads from Subway for us.
Friday - Grilled Hamburgers
Saturday - Hot Wings

Elmwood said...

hence me never wanting to learn how to cook
I say cereal, turkey sandwiches, salads--yes yes I know I am no help--just wanted to chime in ;)

The Queen B said...

I am the Queen of quick and easy yet healthy meals. I'll try to email some to you...we are all in the same boat my dear!

Nan said...

OMG this sounds just like what Oil Man and I go through. Men, they are all the same.

Anonymous said...

man i'm in a big one, I not only have to make 4 kids and hubby happy, but i'm on a diet and have to cook mine separite and keep from scarfing down there spaghetti!
I can not get my dear hubby on a diet and dont really care if he cant fit through the door, i just wanna look down and see my you know what again!!four kids you know what i mean lol