Friday, May 04, 2007

18 months already

My, my where has the time gone? My sweet little angel boy will be 18 months old on Monday. I honestly cannot even believe that I have a child, much less an 18 month old toddler. He is such an awesome child. He has such a good personality. He has been sleeping better at night (Thank you Lord). He has started feeding himself with a spoon! Everytime he manages to actually get some in his mouth, he nods his head and says MMMMMMM. It is the cutest thing.

He is obsessed with Cars, the movie and anything with wheels. Anything that has wheels is a car and he loves all cars. He usually has a matchbox car in each hand. We name colors of cars on our commute and I try to point out interesting things to him on our ride. He gets so excited every day when we see a train (and we see one in the morning and the afternoon) and a school bus. He just shrieks with joy when we see either of them. He talks incessently, from the time he gets up in the mornings until he goes to bed at night. He can say so many words now that we can understand, but a lot of his conversation is still not discernable. He can name all of the Wiggles and most of the Sesame Street characters. He loves Barney and Bob the Builder. If he thinks something is really funny he will tilt his head back and laugh very loud! It is hilarious to see. He is finally getting some more hair. He may actually need a haircut before his second birthday!

He knows his basic colors. We can line up his blocks or cars or anything colored and ask him which one is blue, or yellow or any color and he will pick up the right one. He is so smart. He said "I don't know" last night. I cracked up! He has the cutest little voice. He likes to play outside and to swing in his swing. He plays the piano at my MILs. He actually sits on the piano bench and touches the keys and makes music, not banging like most kids would do. Who knows maybe he will be the next great pianist.

He also loves all of our dogs, but especially our inside dog. She is so good with him, he can pretty much do anything to her and she just lets him. He will get in the floor and snuggle up with her and love on her too. He loves to chase her around the kitchen and she in turn will chase him around. He likes to pick up her food pieces out of her bowl and hand feed her and she likes it too. As long as he will feed her she will stand there and eat. It is like she knows he is little and so she is extra sweet to him. I really worried about her when I got pregnant because she was my baby before he came along. She has adjusted to her new role well and she has done great with him. I couldn't ask for a better dog.

My sweet boy just amazes me most days. We have so many nicknames for him. Most of the time we call him Bud or Buddy or little Buddy. He gets so excited when I go to pick him up in the afternoons. 9 hours is a long time to be away from each other! I miss him so much during the day. That is why on the weekends I spend as much time with him as I can. He is just growing up right before my very eyes. Maybe I can take some pics of him this weekend and post them on Monday.


Elmwood said...

yes! please do!
18 months? WOW!

eatmisery said...

Time goes by so fast when they're little. Sigh...