Friday, April 21, 2006

6 random things about me...

I have been tagged by Kelly, so here goes.

1. I wear cotton undies. Not big granny panties, but low-rise briefs. I can't stand undies up my butt so these are comfy for me. I only wear the cutesy silky ones for my hubby and as soon as it is over I put my comfy ones back on.

2. I have not had a happy pill (anti0depressant) since I found out I was pregnant. Sometimes I long for the "don't give a sh*t feeling" that they gave me, but I am trying to deal with things on my own without the help of meds.

3. I am so scared that I am going to screw up my child! Maybe that is a fear that every parent has, but it wakes me up some nights.

4. I do NOT want any more children. I am perfectly happy with the ones that I have, even though I only gave birth to one of them, I feel like the other one is mine too. So I have no desire to be pregnant or go through the whole c-section thing again.

5. I love my job! More than that I love the guy that I work for. Not in a sexual way, but he is a really great guy and he looks out for me. He has been wonderful to me through the years.

6. I am disappointed in myself for never graduating from college. I always changed majors or gave up when it got too difficult. Maybe one day I will go back and get my degree. Hmmm, what do I want to be when I grow up.

Now do you feel like you know me any better???


Anonymous said...

Don't worry I think we all have our share of disappointments in ourselves but never look back. I think about some of the things I wish I had done, but I didn't so I look forward and just tell myself it's too late for all that now and then I'm not so disappointed in myself because I've done ok. Have a wonderful weekend.

Elmwood said...

not many people can say they love their job--that's awesome!!