Friday, February 09, 2007

It's gone, it's all gone

I got a phone call Wednesday afternoon from my hubby asking me to please go online and see if my daughter's cell phone had GPS capabilities because of course she has lost it, along with her new digital camera. Both of these were Christmas gifts, the phone from us and the camera from MIL. I did not want to get her a cellphone because she is too young for that responsibility, but hubby wanted to get it for her so he can get in touch with her. When we call her mom's house either they don't answer the phone or they have the ringer off and her mom leaves her cellphone in the car most of the time, so we can't get in touch with our daughter when she isn't with us. So hubby got her the Firefly phone for Christmas. She went to eat lunch with her mom and step-dad Wednesday and gave her mom her purse to put under the seat and they forgot to get it. Do you think that mom forgot her purse? Of course not, but she "forgot" to get our daughter's. Of course no one has turned it in and I don't expect that they will. If you found a purse that obviously belonged to a child wouldn't you turn it it? Hubby went by the restaurant that night and still no one turned it in. I just know when I take the kids anywhere I make sure when we leave that we have everything that we came with.

I am so pissed about this. I know that if she lost something expensive while with us that her mom had bought we would offer to replace it. Do you think we have had such an offer? We haven't and I am sure that we won't either. So there went at least $200.00 down the toilet, not to speak of the fact we can't get in touch with her when she isn't with us. Hubby asked if we should replace her phone and I told him no we should not. She should have been more responsible with it in the first place and it would not be gone. We don't have a lot of extra money and hubby is working a second job right now to try to help get ahead on a few things, so buying another cellphone is not an option. I told him that we should tell her that she can save up her money from our house and her moms and buy the new phone herself and maybe then she will take better care of it. I even told him that we could pay her a few bucks for doing things like picking up pine cones in the yard or helping with the laundry or dishes. I guess we will see what happens.


Cricky said...

we bought kelly a cellphone this year, everyone was disgusted with the thought that a 7 year old needed a cell phone. Too freaking bad. They aren't in our situation. Her mom calls my house phone non stop from 530pm until 930pm. Kelly talks on that phone all afternoon if we let her and all day and night when she is at home on the weekends. Her mom lives 2 counties away from us. Her number is long distance from our house so Kelly can't call her. We got it as a conveinence for ourselves. Right now it is dead, we bought her $15 worth of minutes to activate the phone and her mom promised to pay all subsequent cards, has she bought the first one? absolutely not. But did she call my house to complain to me that her daughters phone was out of minutes? absolutely.

Molly said...

I may be naive, but I thought that all cells had GPS. But even so, the phone has to be charged and on for the GPS to work. I teach at a middle school where a number of the students have phones.

Your solution of your daughter spending her own money and paying your daughter for small chores sounds like a good plan.

The Queen B said...

If I had lost or broken an expensive gift, my Mom would have made me earn the money to replace it.

I'm totally on your side here!

Brittany said...

Ah man! That makes me sad. I hope that it turns up somehow, but I guess the chances are pretty slim. Good luck.

Curtis said...

I know what would have happened to me...Yep work and get your own next time and maybe you will learn how to be more responsible. I agree with you even though it is nice to be able to keep in touch with her but you gotta learn sometime.

K. said...

I know that I would have been beside myself with anger and frustration too. I do agree with you that she might take better care of something she purchased for herself.