Thursday, February 01, 2007

It is happening

Something that I really feared is happening, I am gaining weight. Before I got pregnant I weighed 170 lbs. For me that was fat, I was out of shape and unhealthy. When I got pregnant I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and I had to keep track of everything that I ate and count carbs and take my blood sugar 4 times a day. I was able to keep my blood sugar down with diet and exercise. I walked for about 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. After I had the babe, I breastfed and it was wonderful. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 2 weeks and within about a month I weighed less than I did before I got pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I was still pudgy in the middle and I needed a good workout to get myself toned up, but I was smaller than I had been in years. I ate pretty much anything that I wanted and still didn't gain any weight! YAY, because I like to eat. I had gotten back in to a size 10 pants and down to 145 lbs.

Well I stopped breastfeeding in November and went back on regular birth control pills and the weight is slowly but surely coming back. My clothes are getting tight and I am scared to get on the scales. I know what I need to do, it is just so hard. I don't have a lot of time to exercise. I leave the house at 7:30 in the mornings and I am lucky to get home before 7 most nights, then I have to get everyone fed and the kitchen cleaned and things ready for the next morning. I guess I could get up even earlier than I already do and exercise, but there is no where that I can exercise at 5:30 in the morning in my house where I will not be disturbing someone's sleep. I could go walk, but it is like 30 degrees in the mornings here and it is mighty dark that early I might get hit by a car. I guess I could evercise at 9:30 or so at night after the babe goes to bed, but by then I am so tired I just want to go to sleep too. I have started back to drinking water all day long again. I have also cut my coffee back to one cup a day, maybe 2 on the weekends. I am trying to eat healthier, but it is so very hard. Do you all have any suggestions? I really do not want to gain this weight back.


heels said...

What worked for me and my husband was
1) Choosing better foods
3) Drinking water only after our 1 cup of coffee in the AM

We did Slim-Fast shakes for a little while just to shrink our stomachs- worked great.

I also belly-dance once a week for 2.5 to 3 hours. I'm not as skinny as I was in high school, but I'm pretty healthy I think.

But don't stress about it. Stress makes you hold onto weight!

The Queen B said...

Well, I agree with Heels list there. That is how I best loose weight, especially in the winter. It's so much easier in the summer b/c I typically go walking every other day with Camille. I drink tons of water and just cut back on foods that aren't healthy.

I rarely exercise in the winter, I'll be honest so that's why I am just much more aware of what I'm eating and when/why I'm eating. I say why b/c I make sure I'm hungry and craving.

Hang in there...Spring is just around the corner!

Kristi said...

Hmmm... your schedule really makes excercising hard, huh? Could you take walks during your lunch break? Perhaps get in two good workouts on the weekends when you have more time?

Molly said...

Your schedule does seem filled to the brim already. Perhaps as the weather warms, you can go for walks with the baby after work. Keeping the house junk food-free and weighing myself only once a week helped me.

The Narcissist said...

I suggest chewing gum. It keeps something in your mouth, so you are less likely to graze during the day.

Also little things like holding your stomach and butt muscles tight while you're at work (can be done sitting and standing) are a way to get some calorie burning in without too much effort.

Hope that helps. And my mantra is -nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. It's not a statement for anorexia, but rather a reminder that you don't really need those fries or ben & jerry's no matter how yummy.