Monday, February 19, 2007

Me, weird?

I am dusting off this post from November 24, 2006. I have been tagged by Becky, but I had already done this one, so I will post it again for her.

6 Weird things about me:

1. I don't eat mayonnaise. We don't have any mayonnaise in our house.
2. I have to be covered up to go to sleep in the bed, no matter how hot it is. I cannot sleep without cover. I also have to have my feather pillow to go to sleep. I have to take it on vacation with us and anywhere that I will have to sleep.
3. I brush my teeth in the shower. It saves time.
4. I have never used or sold illegal (or legal) drugs.
5. I opted for a c-section instead of an induced vaginal birth because I had a major fear of labor and delivery. That was not the reason that it was an option, but that was the reason I decided to have it.
6. I have a fear of being put to sleep. I worked in the OR in college and it was a SCARY, SCARY place. I hope I never need surgery!

So there you go. Did you learn anything new about me? If you do this meme on your blog, just let me know so I can see if you are weirder than me.

Happy President's Day. I hope you all have the day off, I don't!


The Narcissist said...

I love reading weird things, even twice. I may do this some time. I have a hard time thinking of them though.

Mama Beck said...

I remember this list now!!!

Thanks for the repeat!