Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Brain game

I have suspected for quite some time that when I got pregnant and had my baby that it did something to my brain. I was not as quick witted. I could not remember things. Well I tried to play Freecell the other day and I could not win a game, not one. Sad, I tell you. So I have been playing a few different games to help my brain and I am happy to let you all know that I have finally won a few games of Freecell. Whew! I was really beginning to worry about my brain. But honestly I feel better now. I think I just need to keep my brain in check by playing some games every so often.


Jodi said...

That's why I play Sudoku. So my brain doesn't go completely to mush.

Thanks for the kind thoughts. I really am feeling better (except for moments of weakness).


eatmisery said...

Believe it or not, I've heard that word searches and crossword puzzles can help ward off Alzheimer's. Keep workin' on those puzzles.

By the way, I hate Freecell. I never win.

Kristi said...

Baby brain doesn't end when the baby comes out. I am so much less quick-witted, I can remember fewer details, and I swear to God, I am at least 33% more dumb than I was before getting pregnant with Isabella. Motherhood is a kick, isn't it?