Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bullets and sunShine

So much has been going on, but not enough about any one thing to write an entire post, so I thought I would update you, bulletstyle!

  • How about the Warner Robins Little Leaguers winning the LL World Series? That's my hometown, we are so very proud of them. They did such an awesome job! Congratulations boys and coaches.
  • I have not been exercising for the past few weeks because something is going on with my knee. It is popping when I walk up stairs or bend it too much. It feels swolen on the inside and it hurts some, but I am afraid to go to the doctor about it because I don't want a shot in it or anything else that will hurt, so I have just been dealing with the pain.
  • Sciatica sucks! My back/hip have really been hurting lately. I guess I need to find a good doctor that can treat this as well as my knee. I wish I wasn't such a baby about things like that, but I am. I am trying to work up the courage to go have it seen about.
  • The babe was in a wreck yesterday! Someone rear-ended my MIL and Grand-MIL and the babe as they were slowing down in traffic. They are all alright, but until I knew for sure that my baby was alright, I was FREAKIN' out! I was crying uncontrollably and having all sorts of REALLY bad thoughts. I thought about banning him from ever riding in a car with anyone other than his dad or me driving. I know how ridiculous that is, but that child is my heart and when I thought that he was hurt, it scared the hell out of me. When he got home I just hugged him and showered him with kisses. He is bad sometimes, but he is my baby and I just love him so much.
  • My bestest friend got a job. A pretty good job, too, with benefits and at such a nice place. I am so happy for her. I was really worried about her lack of income and I know she was too, but now things are looking up. YAY!
  • It has cooled off here. The high today will be 90 and rainy and overcast. Hooray for cooler weather. I am ready for the fall. Fall and spring are my 2 favorite times of the year. I like 70 or 75 degree days and 50 or 60 degree nights.
  • We have planned our vacation. We are going to Gatlinburg, TN for a week at the end of September. I know it will be cooler by then. I am so excited. I have not been there since my honeymoon. We have a nice cabin with a jacuzzi and pool table! The kids have never been to the mountians, I am sure that they will love it. I am a little sad though because we are not going back to the beach for vacation. Our last 3 vacations have been to the beach Oh how I love the beach, but since we went for Memorial Day we decided to go somewhere different for our vacation.
  • The babe is still sleeping in our bed. The last time I tried to put him in his bed to sleep, he cried and screamed until he threw up. Yeah, I am not into making my child that miserable. I think he does not like to be alone, so I guess until I can come up with a solution that works for us, he will continue to sleep with us. It is nice to snuggle up with him at night and to see his little face first thing in the morning. I know when we go back to the doctor for his 2 year check-up he will not be happy about this, maybe I just won't tell him!
  • In about 3 months my sweet little baby boy will be 2 years old. I cannot believe that he will be 2! He is already acting like he is 2, what with the meltdowns and terribleness and all. He can count to 10. He is making sentences now and he has such funny pronunciations for some words, like a dinosaur is a da-seen. He also says "I a mess", and he really is. He runs everywhere and likes to jump off the sofa into a pile of pillows. He is fearless about some things and then other things scare him.
  • My neice is having post partum depression. She is not really taking care of her baby, if it were not for my sister and mom I don't know what she would do. My mom said that she has not really bonded with her baby, which is not good, that makes me so sad! She is also thinking about quitting her GREAT job, that pays really well and has great benefits so she can go sell insurance on commission. That makes a lot of sense to me. I just can't talk to her, she doesn't listen because she already knows everything. You know how 19 year olds are. She is on an anti-depressant, but I don't know if it is working yet or not. I hope it kicks in before she quits her good job. I just hate for her to make such a big mistake, good jobs are really hard to find around here. Some people have to learn the hard way!

Okay enough for now, is your head spinning yet?


heels said...

About the co-sleeping: is he YOUR baby or the doctor's baby? Isn't it your decision where he sleeps, especially since it's not hurting anybody if he sleeps with you? The day will come when he won't want to sleep with you anymore. It does for everybody. It's not an important developmental milestone that he moves into his own bed. Enjoy it while you can. Don't tell the dumb doctor- it's none of his business.


eatmisery said...

1. Don't tell the doctor you're still co-sleeping. He'll just lay on the guilt. Do what's best for you and the babe.

2. Yes, my head is spinning!

The Queen B said...

Don't worry, it was spinning before I started reading!!