Thursday, October 28, 2004

Blogrolling and such

Okay now I am a little perturbed! I just created this entry and when I went to publish it, it disppeared on me. Said that it could not find the server type of message and when I used the back key to get back to my post the title was here, but the content was gone, so I will try to recreate.

I got a phone call today from my best friend. She wanted to know if she could come and have lunch with me. Well of course you can! I was so glad that she called me, we do not get to see each other nearly enough. I was also excited to see her because the last time I saw her we were highlighting her hair fuschia. Yes that "Chunky Girl" is my best friend and I just love her. I also love having a lunch date. It breaks the monotony of the day. We went to eat mexican food as we usually do when she comes to lunch with me, unless we are really broke then we go to Krystal's, fresh, hot, small squares. Had a wonderful lunch, fabulous conversation, we got a chance to fill each other in on the happenings in our lives. Now I am back from lunch looking at all the paperwork on my desk, but strangely enough I just don't feel like working. Not doing much work today while I am here is an option today because the boss and his other half are out of town. YAY! You know what they say, "When the wolf is away, the sheep will play." haha...I say that because I think my boss is a werewolf, therefore his family are also werewolves. I wonder if they had some sort of celebration last night for the full moon. I wonder if they slaughtered and ate many people last night? I will have to check the missing persons report for the town that they are in. Anyway, do you see how my mind works? Everything is a complete distraction. One minute I can be thinking about something else then another thought enters my head and BAM there I go off on another path of thought. If we could get inside people's heads, my passengers would need a seatbelt and a helmet. (Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.) Sometimes it is really tiring being me, well most of the time. Anywho back to my original thought, after lunch my best friend came back to the office with me and helped me insert my blogroll into my blog! How cool is that. Now when I read interesting people, I can just add them to my blogroll and there they are for my reading pleasure. Since the boss is away I have decided that today should be work on my blog day. That just means that I have to work that much harder tomorrow. Nah, I am just kidding. Most of my work here is not trackable, so I think I am safe. Thank you best fiend for helping me to update my blog! You are awesome!

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