Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Road Rage

While driving home yesterday I was completely frustrated by people's ignorance to common road rules. Is it not true that if you are on a 4 lane highway and you choose to drive slower than all the other cars on the road you should get into the right lane. Does that make sense? Has anyone else ever heard that? Well apparently the people driving with me in my commute have never heard of that. So here I am constantly in a hurry no matter where I am going trying to weave my way through the slow cars to my destination. Do other drivers really just not get it? If you are driving in the left lane and all the traffic is riding up to your bumper then passing you, don't you think you should get over? Who taught these people how to drive? I think that in order to get your driver's license you should have to drive on the freeway. Who needs to know how to parallel park? I mean parallel parking is great, but if you can't parallel park, I doubt it will get you killed. On the other hand if you can't drive on major roadways, like freeways, it will get you killed. I can see how people get road rage and kill others. There have been many days that I have thought if I only had a gun, there would be one less bad driver on the road. I try to enjoy my commute, I like to use it as a time to relax and reflect, but when I have to contend with no driving idiots it just really stresses me out. Whew! I feel better now, maybe I can get to work.

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