Friday, October 22, 2004

High blood pressure

My Thursday started off like a normal Thursday. Everything was nice and quiet in the office. I had gotten a lot accomplished by lunch time. Then I had lunch with my bestest friend. We vented about men and told deep dark secrets that friends can only share with each other. I think we both already knew the others secrets, its just something about having someone else validate your feelings about things. After lunch I had to return to work, which was okay because my boss was leaving. His parents are house hunting and he had cleared his schedule to spend the afternoon going from house to house to point out the good and the bad on each one.

My co-worker decided that we should rearrange her office. I must tell you that her office is much smaller than mine. Her office is not much bigger than a broom closet. So I went back to help her rearrange, which entails moving a VERY heavy desk. I am not a very strong person, but it is amazing how you have strength when you need it. So me and 2 of my co-workers pushed and pulled until we got the monstrosity moved, then we could not open the door. FABULOUS! So we moved the desk some more. Then the drawers would not open. So we pillaged an empty office and got a smaller desk and moved the monstrosity out and the smaller desk in. After much hard work and sweat we finally had both of the desks moved. Did I mention that it was a humid 80 degrees here yesterday and I was dripping with sweat? It was just lovely! We finally finished the transformation just in time to clock out and go home yesterday. Well I go into her office this morning and she has arranged the furniture the same way that it was before we started! Some people just make me wonder.

In the midst of all the furniture moving and rearranging yesterday afternoon I was also on the phone with my insurance company. I have several policies with this company and have for years. I have life insurance with them that I bought nine years ago when I got married the first time. Yes October 20 would have been my 9 year anniversary! Anywho... When I got married the first time we took out life insurance, not realy big policies, but enough to take care of things should either of us die. Well I have since then remarried and I have a new life insurance policy now with a different company, but I have continued to have the premiums taken out of my checking account monthly. I decided that I would check in to cashing the policies in, evidently the ex is not going to die like I had hoped so there is really no reason for me to keep the policy. I called my friendly insurance agent who informed me that my ex's policy had been transferred to another agent. WHAT? So she called the other agent and all they would tell her was that I was not the owner of the policy or the payor on the policy, so they could not tell her anything about the policy. They were citing the Privacy Acts and all that crap. Those privacy acts and all are only good if you are the one being protected. I asked my friendly insurance agent what I needed to do to get the payments stopped from being drafted from my account, since I am not the payor. She tells me that there is nothing that I can do because I am not the payor on the account. So I called my bank. Of course they can issue a stop payment but it does not come with any guarantees and it cost nearly that same as the monthly premium. So needless to say I was livid. My blood pressure had to be through the roof. Maybe that was where I got the strenght to move the desks. So finally I started trying to call the agent where the policy had been moved. After about 45 minutes of calling I finally got someone on the phone, who was as nice as she could be. I wanted her to be a smart ass to me so I could take all my frustrations out on her, but she was too nice. She said they would take care of it. Today I am going to call back over there and see if my ex requested that the policy be changed or if it just by some fluke got changed.

The rest of the night was much better. Had dinner at my in laws house and my sister-in-laws friends were there with their 1 year old little boy. he was so sweet and cute. That is the second time this week that we have seen them and they have had a small child with them. My co-workers say that they are trying to send us a message. If they only knew how hard we were trying!

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