Thursday, March 03, 2005

Can you read the writing on the wall?

Have you ever wondered why you write the way you do? I don't mean the order of the words or your use of commas and periods, I mean your handwriting. Have you ever wondered why it looks the way that it does? Until today I had never really given it much thought. I write mostly in cursive, even if I start out in print I end up in cursive. My writing style is a mixture of cursive and non-cursive letters. There are some letters that I don't like to write in cursive. Take for example a cursive S, the only time I write a cursive capital S is at the beginning of my name. The rest of the time I write a regular S and just attach my other letters to it. Why is that? I wonder when my brain decided that the only time it would write a cursive capital S would be at the beginning of my name. I remember learning to write in cursive in school. I was in second grade, Ms. Hubbard's class. We had these little books that had the arrows around the curves in the letters to show us how to write them. Did anyone else have those little cursive writing books?

What makes one person's hand writing prettier than others? Is it heriditary. I don't really like my handwriting. I try to make an effort to write pretty, but it always ends up looking the same. I had an office assistant one time that had the best handwriting. She could write in cursive, print, Spanish, you name it and it looked uniform and very neat. My handwriting is all over the page, literally. One day it may be big and curly and the next day it may be small and scribbled. Maybe one day I will have a neat, uniform handwriting that others think is pretty.


Webmiztris said...

I can only write nicely when I use block print letters. If I try cursive? Forget about it. It's a mess. And it's only gotten worse since computers because popular because I almost NEVER actually write.


Janet said...

Being a teacher, I was actually going to write a post about this. In the meantime, for the record, my handwriting sucks.