Thursday, March 24, 2005


That is what I am going through to say the least. I am not going to turn this into a pregnancy blog, but I will keep you updated on my progression with my pregnancy. This post is about my pregnancy, so if that doesn't interest you, just tune out now and check back tomorrow for another subject.

Let me just say that it is an amazing feeling knowing that there is a life growing inside of me. Because of this little one inside of me so many things are changing, not just on the inside but on the outside too. I have never been pregnant before so all of these things are so new to me. Crying at a moments notice has now become everyday occurrences. I think I could win an Oscar for a teary scene now. If I think about the miracle growing inside of me, I cry. If I hear a sad song, I cry. If someone tells me any good or bad news, I cry. Sometimes I just cry for no reason. My tear ducts have gotten a work out and I am proud to report they work just fine.

I am bloated! You know how it feels before your period starts? Well imagine that times about 10. None of my jeans and most of my pants don't fit me. Yet it is a bit early to start wearing those beautiful maternity fashions, so instead I am relying on the few really stretchy things in my wardrobe to get me through. Hallalujah for stretchy fabrics!

By boobs hurt and they are big. I bet my hubby would like to touch them, but I don't see it happening right now. I hope they will get less sore as this pregnancy goes on. I would like for him to be able to enjoy them too before they are gone!

I drink constantly. I feel like a freaking fish or something. I am thirsty all the time. I wake up in the middle of the night and my mouth feels like the desert. I have never drank this much in my entire life. The downside to all of the liquid, you guessed it. I go to the bathroom ten times more than I did before. I hate to see when the baby gets big and starts pressing on my bladder. I may have to set up my desk in the restroom so I can get something done while I am here.

The foods and drinks that I really like don't appeal to me anymore. WHAT? Yeah, um I haven't had a cup of coffee or a Dr. Pepper or a doughnut or pastry item in more than 2 weeks now. The mere thought of coffee and sweets makes me wanna hurl. I kicked my caffeine habit without the headaches.

I stopped taking my crazy pills and I am happy! Yes I haven't killed anyone and I think I will be okay. I do get moody sometimes, but most pregnant women do. I have only had a very few times that it was a little hard for me to breathe because I was stressed out and I just needed to relax.

I can sleep anytime. It isn't usually for long because I have to get up to go pee. If I do manage to sleep through the night without waking up my bladder hurts so bad I just wanna cry. Do you think my body is trying to prepare me for when the baby gets here?

There have been so many other changes and I know I have so much more to go. I am writing a journal about my pregnancy and I am thinking of writing a journal to the baby, you know filled with all sorts of stories about the baby and my thoughts and feelings. Do you have any other ideas about things like that?


Webmiztris said...

I hope things get easier for you!

And that much happens after only 6 weeks? OMG, that's scary. :)

Elmwood said...

awww touching!!!
Remember when all the "yucky things" are happening that it s because you have been blessed..
I think keeping a journal for the baby is a BEAUTIFUL idea!!!