Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Halloween, Psychiatrists, and Birthdays

Well I know you are all wondering if I am pregnant. Aren't you on the edge of your seat??? The answer is NO, a big fat NO! My monthly visitor came Sunday afternoon. It took a lot of the fun out of being at home for Halloween trick or treating. I mean who wants to hand out candy to cute little children when your heart is broken because you may never have one? Hubby was so sweet, we haven't been trying that long, if nothing happens soon we will go get tested, blah, blah, blah! A few tears later I was fine, no really I am fine! Diappointed, but okay with it. Everything happens for a reason, at least that is what I would like to believe.

SO I made a deal with myself last week that if I was not pregnant, then I was going to lose about 10 pounds. My fall and winter clothes are snug and some of my favorite things don't fit, so I need to shed a few pounds. Sunday night as we watched T.V. I got into the floor and stretched out my muscles and did a few exercises. I drug out my dumb-bells and lifted them in various ways until my arms felt like they would fall from my body. I woke up early Monday morning and went walking, dumb-bells in hand. Hubby said that he would go with me, but I felt like it was something that I needed to do alone. I needed to breathe that cool morning air and clear my head. I drank so much water yesterday and today I could pass for a fountain and if I keep it up I will have to move my desk closer to the bathroom. Hopefully I can stick to it and lose at least 10 pounds and be the size I was a year ago when I got married. I did not go for a walk this morning because I had to go vote (see my previous post), but I will walk again in the morning. If I could just make exercise a habit, maybe it would get easier.

I just got off the phone with a friend that I have not talked to in a few months. She has 2 kids and it is very hard for her to talk on the phone with them screaming in the background, so we don't talk as much as we should. Anyway she has left her husband and taken the children to stay with her parents. I am still in shock. She is married to her high school sweetheart and they are such a sweet couple. Evidently they have some issues that they need to work out. So she said that they are in marriage counseling and that her hubby is going to a Psychiatrist. I just think that is wonderful, so many men would never go to a marriage counselor, much less a Psychiatrist, but he is. I hope they work things out. Divorce can be such an ugly thing and it is so hard on the kids not having both parents all the time. I see it almost everyday in my (step)child.

We had a birthday party for my dog (child), Dixie yesterday. We did not invite any other dogs or anything, just a small family celebration. My hubby, child and I all sat around Dixie in the kitchen floor and sang Happy Birthday to her and then she ate her cake that I baked for her. It was a mini bundt cake with a little bit of frosting drizzled on the top. I got her a new toy and some snausages treats, she loves getting new stuff. She does act a lot like me. She is such a good dog. I just think she is an angel. Is it strange to have a birthday party for your dog? If it is don't tell Dixie she may just get offended, she likes a party as much as the next pooch.

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