Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Never a dull moment

Everyday with me is like a new adventure. You just never know what to expect. Hubby and I have discussed finding a church to start attending since we moved a year and a half ago. We visited one and hated it, and have not attempted to visit another one until last Sunday. We ironed our clothes on Saturday night and had everything ready for Sunday morning. We got up and got dressed and I must admit, we do clean up nicely! We got there and things were going fine, the church seemed nice enough. We sung a few songs, listened to a few announcements. Things were going great, and then the pastor got up and announced that it was a baptism service. Awe how wonderful, someone is going to be baptized. The family goes up there and it isn't just someone it is a baby and a child of maybe about 3 or 4. So the pastor goes on to ask the questions that they ask and I am tearing up. Yeah hormones going full blast, not a good thing! So after the pastor is done he brings the children down the aisle of the church to show them to the congregation. Well seeing that sweet baby was just more than I could handle. All these things are going through my mind, pregnancy does that to you. It also hit me at that very minute that I am really having a baby. Anywho the pastor gets about 2 rows from us with the baby and I feel it, the real tears are coming. You know you can only silently cry for a little bit before it turns into sobbing. Well it turned into sobbing, one big horrendous noise escaped my body before I could shove my hubby out of the pew and out the door. It was so quiet in the church that you could have heard a pin drop, but instead they heard me sobbing as I ran for the door. We got outside and I think my hubby was in shock, I was still sobbing, I could not catch my breath, I thought I was gonna throw up. Then he starts laughing at me. I eventually calm down and blow my nose and regain my composure, and I started laughing too. We did not go back into the church, we left and got some lunch instead. I think we may try to go back next week, but only if there isn't a baptism on the bulletin. You see I told you never a dull moment with me.


ellen said...

I cry at those things all the time, and I've never been pregnant in my life. Go back to the church; the good people there will welcome you.

Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Wow! What a square Bitch you are. I feel you though, you seem sagacious, If you weren't married to a square dude I would put your ass on team TopSoil for sure, you beautifull Bitch you!

sunShine said...

Actually bossmack at the moment I am not very square, rather round if you must know.

Yes C I remember. I cry everyday on the way home listening to the radio, damn country music!!!

Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

I feel you Sunshine, I'm just a cold dude, shocking folks.

Webmiztris said...

church always manages to bring out the tears...it's no wonder I don't like it. :)