Thursday, May 04, 2006

The day from, well you guessed it...

This is shaping up to be such a wonderful day. The outfit I had picked put and ironed to wear to work didn't feel right, so I had to rethink my outfit at the last minute. No really at the every last minute, I had already strapped the baby in the carseat and loaded all of out stuff in the car and I ran back inside, found a pair of pants that did not have to be ironed and threw them on as I was running out the door. I got to work in plenty of time, I was proud of myself. Normally I get here right on time, without a minute to spare. I hate to be so rushed, but it seems most mornings that something always happens to make me run a little late.

I went to lunch and breatfed by sweet little angel and got to spend some good quality time with him (best part of the whole day, so far). I took my cell phone in with me in case my hubby called (since he knows it is my lunchtime and all). Anyway it was time to go, so I kissed my little punkin' goodbye and headed out for my 7 minute trek back to the office. Well I had barely gotten out of the neighborhood, when I realized that I forgot my cellphone. Honestly, it wasn't a big deal. It isn't like I am so important that I can't be without it, but I started thinking all the what if's... What if I have a flat tire on the way to work? What if a crazy person runs me off the road this afternoon? What if a deranged stalker is following me and I have no way to call the cops? So I did a u-turn and went back and got my phone. Better safe than sorry. Being better safe also made me 2 minutes late getting back to the office!

Then once I get here, our part-time employee asks me if I stamped (with postage) the statements that he was supposed to get ready to mail yesterday. Can you see where this is heading??? I, with a look of sheer disbelief, turn to him and say what statements? Certainly not the stack of them in our outgoing mail, which by the way the mailman picked up this morning. Yeah that would be the statements complete with checks from April. Not only are they not stamped, they are not sealed! So at that moment, I just wanted to scream and cry, but I have done well to contain my anger. WHY WOULD YOU PUT MAIL THAT ISN'T READY TO BE MAILED IN THE OUTGOING PILE? I have unsuccessfully tried to reach our post office so maybe I can go and pick up this pile of mail and get it sealed and stamped and try to mail it again tomorrow. I have to tell my boss about this screw-up and I am so dreading it. Maybe if I cry, he won't get mad at me. I know I am responsible for the front office, but should I have to go back and check all the outgoing mail for postage? Another thing, this person does this same thing EVERY MONTH when we mail out statements, so why now would he decide to majorly screw it up???

On top of all of that I am still cramping and bleeding heavily. I wonder if that is why I have been a little light-headed at times today? I am praying that tomorrow is a better day. If nothing else, tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Update, I finally got in touch with the post office and our mail carrier is coming back by here on his way home to bring our mail back to us. I will bake him some cookies tonight!!! I am saved from the wrath of the growly bear!


Anonymous said...

As I was reading I kept thinking:

"Call the post office!!"

Great minds think alike! So glad to hear that they were able to return the mail to you, close call there!

Have a great Friday.

Elmwood said...

sorry you had such a sucky day :(
but glad you got your mail back!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry the day sucked!

Anonymous said...

Why is there only one completely competent person in every office? Really, I mean is there a rule about it? I'm sorry you had a bad day. Hopefully it's all better by now!