Thursday, May 18, 2006

Yesterday's check-up

I had to take my little one to the doctor yesterday for his 6 month check-up and the dreaded 4 shots that were due. My mother-in-law met me there with him and stayed with us until we were all done. He got a good report. He weighs 17 lbs and 13 ozs and he is 27 3/4 inches long. The doctor seemed kind of surprised that I am still breastfeeding him. Most of the moms that I know that did breastfeed had stopped for one reason or another by this age. Anyway we are still going strong there and I don't plan on stopping until we wean him at around 12 months. He praised us on the good job we were doing because my child seems so healthy. He has had the sniffles, but nothing major. I attribute his wellness to the fact that he does not go to daycare and is very rarely around a lot of children and I am sure that the breastfeeding helps. He has only been to the doctor for his check-ups and shots. (Yes Kelly I am knocking on you hear me?) I also attribute the lack of doctor's visits on the fact that he has a great nurse that works for him. All she does all day long is handle phone calls from parents and she lets you know whether you need to bring your child in or if it is something that needs to be treated at home. I have had many conversations with her over the past 6 months, but thank goodness nothing that I called for was serious enough to warrant a visit to the office. She is really a great asset to his practice. Anyway, he gave us the okay to start #2 foods, which opens the door to much more variety. My little boy enjoys eating and I want to teach him to like a variety of foods, healthy foods. He wasn't feeling well today, I guess from the shots. He was kind of snuggly and just wanted to be held this morning, so I held him as long as I could. I am sure my mother-in-law will spend a good part of her day holding him. I am so glad that I did not have to put him in daycare. My mother-in-law has been such a blessing.


eatmisery said...

I hate shots. I wish we never had to do that with them.

Anonymous said...

I do like, when my babe gets her shots, how she is so darn snuggly. The pain she has to go through I could do without though!