Monday, July 17, 2006

But I don't wanna go...

I am whining, I bet that surprises you! Well you see tonight we have to go to dinner at 7pm with someone who wants to talk to my hubby about a possible new job. YAY for him! Anyway the guy wanted hubby and I to go to dinner with him and his wife. Sounds fine right? Well the only problem is that I. REALLY. DON'T. WANT. TO. GO. I have gotten very introverted since I had my baby. I want to get off work, run over and pick him up, take him home and spend the rest of my evening staring at his beautiful little face and crawling around on the floor with him to see what we can find and feeding him his yummy supper and hearing him say MAMAMAMAMAMAMa. Notice that none of that included leaving him so I can go out to eat with strangers that I guess I need to try to impress. I will miss supper time with my baby and he will have to be up later because hello, his bedtime is like 8:30. I am sure we will not be finished eating and have him picked up and then drive the 30 minutes back to our house by 8:30. Which means he will not get a bath tonight and he will be up late! The restaurant that we are going to, ummm not one of my favorites, so what will I eat??? I know it is probably stupid to be this aggravated about it, but I just want to spend all the time I can with my little one, especially when I have been away from him at work all day! Wish me luck!!! oh yeah and my hubby, you know the whole job prospect and all...


Jodi said...

It may be too late, but try hard to focus on the good in this...nice dinner, good meal, evening out.
good luck.

Anonymous said...

We too are job hunting right along side you! Let us know how it goes!

eatmisery said...

Well, it's the next day. Did you go?

K. said...

I can truly understand this. Many times I don't feel like socializing either. My baby is much better company than most adults. :)