Friday, July 07, 2006


My sweet little boy got his first knot on his head yesterday. My MIL called me yesterday morning, not too long after I got to the office and started off by saying that she was a bad Grandma. It kind of shocked me that she called me anyway because the only time she usually calls is to let me know what time to come and feed him lunch. I did not panic though because her voice was very calm. I asked her what happened and she said that he was standing and playing on the ottoman (you know standing in front of it) and he lost his balance and fell back and she could not catch him before he hit his little noggin on a piece of HARD furniture. She said he started crying and she started crying. THANK GOD my sister in law was still there and she took him and gave my MIL time to calm down and she got my son calmed down and put some witch hazel on his bump and he was fine. Although just to be sure she kept him awake for about an hour to be sure that he did not have a concussion or something. He seemed fine when I went over for lunch. He has a red bump on his head still, but he has been acting okay. Apparently it did not scar him for life because today he still wants to stand up at the ottoman. I know his first bump had to happen and honestly I am glad that it did not happen while he was at home with me. I probably would have rushed him to the ER.


Anonymous said...

I've already had a little fall with Camille and she was only 7 weeks old. I felt terrible. But my sister reassured me that it does happen.

Her son fell out of the crib at 4 months....she did lock the side rail all the way and when he pulled on it it slid down along with him!

Jodi said...

So sorry about the baby's bump. That first goose egg is SO hard to see - harder on mom than on baby.

Reading down through some of your more recent posts (i've been on vacation for the last week and had VERY limited access to a laptop), congrats on the weight loss. you go girl!

and as for ex-wives, i could go on and on about my S.O's ex. She is a VERY difficult person, in a lot of ways. but seeing as how i AM an ex-wife myself and i can only imagine what my ex-husband and his 2nd wife have said about me, i will go easy. thank goodness your husband took 6 giant steps up when he chose you.
ps. check out my blog for tons of vacation pics, and you can see what MY crew looks like!