Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am a junkie...

Hello my name is sunShine and I am an addict. I think about my addiction all the time. I wake up in the morning thinking about it and I go to bed at night thinking about it. I visualize it all day long while I am at work. I try to scheme other people into getting my drug for me. Oh I would kill for it right now. Would you like to know what I am addicted to? ICE CREAM. I just can't get enough of it. I dream about milkshakes from Chick Fil A and Blizzards from the Dairy Queen. I can not focus because I NEED ICE CREAM. I swear I am addicted and I need a 12 step program to get off the stuff. People at my office think that it's funny, but really it is not funny, it is serious. I am jonesing for some cold, creamy, ice cream. I don't know if it is because it is 100 degrees outside here with like 85 % humidity or what, but I cannot get enough of it. I find myself standing near the time clock at the office close to lunch time trying to bribe someone into going to get me a milkshake or blizzard, they are heartless cruel animals because they will not go get me a fix. DAMN THEM ALL! Maybe tomorrow I will just bring me a private stash so when I feel like I just can't take it anymore I can have my fix. The closest thing that I have here is yogurt, which has been taking care of the cravings at the office. When I leave here today thought look out because I am going to Chick Fil A and getting my cookies and cream milkshake. AHH SWEET HEAVEN, I can hardly contain myself.

Now onto other things... dinner was wonderful Monday. I always tend to dread things and freak out about them and then they turn out fine. Just a little drama queen sometimes, I guess. Anyway the people were truly a wonderful couple. The man has a great business and after having dinner with us, he called my hubby yesterday and offered him a job. HIP HIP HOORAY! Hubby of course had to discuss it with me, you know I am his personal consultant and all, so he took the job. He is turning in his notice tomorrow. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and my hubby is already happier. Just knowing that he will not have to return to this job that has turned into pure hell has made such a difference. I really think that this job will be a great opportunity for my hubby. I know there will be challenges in the new job, but at least it will have set hours, which means he will be home with his family EVERY night of the week.

Thank you everyone for all of your well wishes and positive thoughts and prayers during this truly difficult time for us. I could tell you stories that would probably make you cry about some of the things that have happened over the past few months, but I always try to keep things positive, so I won't go there. Just know that reading your blogs and leaving me nice comments on here really helped. I am so lucky to have all of you in my life, even if it is just online. Look at me getting all mushy, someone pass the tissues... anyway truly thank you!


eatmisery said...

I'm so glad your dinner turned out well for you. I was thinking about that.

Try Haagen Dazs Mayan Chocolate ice cream. It combines chocolate with cinnamon. It's out of this world!

Jodi said...

Yay for the new job!
I feel the same way about Mocha Frappacinos (sp?), but unfortunately I did my bills and budget for the rest of July and August, so there will be damn few luxury coffees (or ice creams) for me....(sigh)...I need to go on a diet anyway.

Anonymous said...

That's great that your husband can now spend time with the family. Some workplaces don't seem to think there is any life after them...I know I've been there. I have a hard time staying away from Cherry Vanilla and those yummy Drumsticks with the chocolate and caramel and nuts and the delicious honey cone...I know STOP !!!!