Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thursday MeMe

1. The book nearest me: The phone book

2. Stretch your left arm, what do you touch? Files, lots and lots of files.

3. Last thing watched on television? CSI:NY, last night

4. Without looking, what time is it? 10:30 am

5. What time is it actually? 10:33 am

6. With the exception of the computer what can you hear? The radio and other people talking near me.

7. When did you last step outside? A couple of hours ago

8. Before this survey, whar did you look at? Miss Zoot's website, her vacation pics

9. What are you wearing? Denim skirt and a sleeveless striped shirt

10. What did you dream last night? I don't remember, I was so tired

11. When did you last laugh? This morning, dropping off my little one at my MIL's

12. What is on the walls of the room? A picture that my nine year old drew and colored for me about 4 years ago, and some other various framed pictures

13. Seen anything wierd lately? Last night a bird was in the road and he was just walking, he did not try to get out of the way or anything. I had to stop and let him cross the road. Strange!

14. What do you think of this quiz? It's okay.

15. What is the last film you saw? At the theater, Nanny McPhee. At home, The Ugly Dachsund with my family Friday night.

16. Tell us something we don't know. Let's see, do you know that I have a tattoo?

17. If you could change one thing about the world what would you do? End world hunger, the thought of children (people in general, but especially children) starving to death just sickens me. Can I fix 2 things, I also would like for everyone to be able to afford good health care.

18. Do you like to dance? Does a dog like to be run over by a car? Okay then, I do not dance.

19. George Bush? I don't discuss my political views on here, sorry!

20. Imagine your first child is a girl. Well technically my first child was a girl. Of course I did not give birth to her, but I lover her nonetheless. She has added so much to my life and taught me so many things.

21. Imagine your first child is a boy. What do you know, the first child that I gave birth to is a boy and he is just fabulous. He has changed me in ways that I could never have imagined. I love him so much.

22. Would you consider living abroad? I don't think so. I really like having my family close.

23. What would God say to you when you reach the pearly gates? Welcome home, I have been waiting for you.

24. List 6 bloggers to carry on this meme. I am not going to do this, how about this offer, if you want to do the meme, leave it in comments and I will be sure to come visit you and read your answers. Like I don't read you all anyway.


Jodi said...

okay, I did it. check out my answers.

ps. I have some Rocky road ice cream up here.....
feel like a road trip? (laugh)

eatmisery said...

Are you part of ClubMom?

sunShine said...

Yes I am a member of ClubMom.


Jodi said...

Budding chef? More like "Dennis the Menace" should have seen the look on his face when I caught him...he KNEW he wasn't supposed to be doing that. He helped clean it up.

The ice cream is here, any time you want it!

Anonymous said...

I've been tagged twice for this one! Now I have to make it good!!