Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The king is dead and I think I may be next!

Yes people I do believe that Elvis is dead. I know there are some skeptics out there that think that he may still be alive and if he is more power to him. If you are one of those people that believe that he is still alive, more power to you. Anywho, my office assistant is INFATUATED with E. I don't mean that she enjoys listening to his music, I mean she is obsessed. So today she has this tape to listen to of Elvis songs, but I don't think it is Elvis singing. It sounds like a really bad karaoke version of the king. I can hear her playing this crap in my office and it is driving me NUTS! I think if I have to hear it one more time I am going to throw myself out of our second story window and pray for death to take me away from the horrifying singing. The crooning makes me want to take a pen and continuously jab myself in the ear with it.

1 comment:

C. said...

Ha,ha! Don't you just hate it when people who can't sing attempt to? Here's what I think you should do: tomorrow, bring in your own lousy tape and start singing horribly on purpose...all day...non-stop. Hey, if she's driving you crazy you might as well return the favor right? ;)

P.S. I also think the king is dead.