Monday, June 26, 2006

Date night disasters

Well I know everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to hear about date night. If you aren't on the edge of your seat, please scoot there now so I will feel like you really want to hear about it. K? Are you there yet? Alrighty then, date night...Let's see where do I begin? My mom got to the house around 4:15 to watch my son, who had been strangely clingy to me all day. Hubby and I went over some basic things with her. How to call us, where the hospital is, what to do if he swallows the remote, you know all the basic things that you need to go over with a babysitter. We promptly snuck out the door so he would not cry. Off we were headed to the restaurant to get some good italian food. Well conversation was lacking, I was trying not to bring up my son and just have an adult conversation, but that is so very hard to do. So we started talking about what we would do after we finished eating, that too ended badly. We did not plan ahead, so we really did not have anything to do. My hubby asked me if I was thinking about my little one and HUGE TEARS came into my eyes and I was trying not to bawl in the restaurant. I just felt so guilty for leaving him. I missed him so much. It is bad enough that I have to leave him during the week to come to work, but for goodness sakes to leave him on the weekends now! What is the matter with me? Am I insane? I don't have such a hard time when I go out with my best friend and leave him at home with his daddy. Why should this be any harder. Anyway we ended up going to a few places shopping and then back home where I was greeted with a big open mouth kiss and lots of hugs from my little sweet boy. He missed me and I missed him. Maybe one day hubby and I will attempt a date night again, but you better believe that it will be well planned!


Anonymous said...

It's not pathetic!

It sounds like when you usually leave he is with his Daddy, which is easier for you. Well, at least it is for me! I have an easier time leaving C w/ her Dada but leaving her with anyone else is hard for me.

At least you went out!! I'm sure the next time will be a little better, and the time after that will much better!

eatmisery said...

I still can't leave the kids. I long for a real date with Hubby, but not one that requires anything more than dinner. I just can't do it yet.

Elmwood said...

omg I feel guilty when I leave Ms Coco home alone for too long-I felt so bad about my all nighter I let her sleep in my bed with her back fur and my white sheets.
I don't blame you for missing him and not to mention who couldn't miss that adorable little face?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Jodi said...

oh my gosh, are we really getting ADS on our blogs now?! sheesh!

i'm sorry date night didn't go as planned but you tried. it will get better as he gets older.
