Monday, June 05, 2006

Leave my stuff alone

I get so aggravated at work when people mess with my stuff. I do have my own office, in the very front of the building. You have to walk through my office to get to the office with the fax machine, copier and postage machine. So I never have any real privacy or peace and quiet while I am here. It also means if someone can't find something in that area of the office they come to my office looking through my things for whatever it is that they need. I don't mind, really, I don't. Most everyday items are on top of my desk anyway, there is no need to go rifling through my drawers to look for things. I have had to go all over the office at times trying to track my stuff down. After my maternity leave I no longer owned a pair of scissors, they were really nice scissors too, everytime I have to cut something I miss them. I looked everywhere for them, they disappeared! I am really surprised that was all that was missing. Since I have returned to work I have taken my sharpie and written my name on all my stuff, you know like you have to do in kindergarten. You would think that grown people would know better than to take your stuff, but apparently they don't. Anyway let me get to the point of what has brought on this post. I had court this morning for work in the town that I live in, which is about 30 minutes from here. It would have been nice to just come in after that, but I had to come here anyway this morning because I had to take the babe to my mother-in-law's. So I was here for about 45 minutes before I had to leave. I left all my stuff pulled up on my computer because hello I was coming right back. So anyway when I get back someone is blasting Napster radio through my speakers and most of the things I had minimized were just closed out. It infuriated me! As most of you know I just got this new computer after I got back from maternity leave. My other one was so slow and I finally complained enough that I got a new one. One reason my other one was so slow was because everyone used my computer when I was away from it and dowloaded CRAP on it and opened some emails that had viruses attached, you get the picture. Anyway we tried several times to get all the stuff off of it, but we were never successful. I asked loud enough for the person to hear me, if she had been on my computer. Of course my office assistant said yes, she had been on my computer while I was out. GREAT! Anyway what do you do, she is the bosses daughter? She does no wrong. She is here cleaning, why does she need to be on my computer at all? I have comtemplated pasword protecting it, but there are times when someone really does need something on my computer and I would hate for them to have to track me down to get a password. Anyway that just really chaps my ass. This computer is not a play thing. It is what I have to work on 8 hours a day. It contains ALL of my work files and probably more personal files than it should. I finally have a good computer and I just really don't want it screwed up like the other one. I think it just shows a lack of respect for others and their stuff. That is my rant for the day. I hope you are having a good Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd password protect it in a heartbeat. I couldn't stand it when people would mess with my desk. And my computer? Agh...that would just aggravate me to no end.