Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mixed emotions

I am a little sad and a little happy at the same time today. My baby has pretty much cut out his afternoon (4:00) bottle. He never really liked the bottle anyway, he just would rather have the real thing. Since his 6 month check-up he has been eating 3 meals a day of baby food and cereal and still breastfeeding also. Since I came back to work he has been taking a few ounces of milk at around 4 each day. Just enough milk to hold him over until I got there at 5:30 to give him the real thing! Anyway I have been pumping nearly everyday at around that time for a little over 5 months now. I decided yesterday after talking to my mother in law that there really was no need for me to pump anymore because he isn't eating it and we all know what a pain pumping can be sometimes. I was excited yesterday about it. Whoo Hoo no more feeling like a cow hooked up the the milk machine! This morning when I left the house without my breastpump I have to say it felt like I had left a vital part of me behind. Almost like I had left my purse or something. I haven't really thought about it that much, until I told my assistant that I would not be taking my afternoon break to pump anymore. The reality of it all hit me. I nearly burst into tears. It is all happening so fast, my child is growing up! He has a tooth now and he has given up his afternoon bottle, what's next? I will continue to breastfeed at least until he is a year old, or until we both decide that it is the time to stop. I hope it will be easier then, right now I just can't imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I am very aware of these growing pains myself. It's amazing how fast these things come. We aren't given anytime to prepare!