Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I figured it out

I am so proud of myself. I figured out how to get my blogrolling links back in the sidebar. It only took me about 3 tries. But I got it!! WHOO HOO! Now if I could just figure out how to post pictures. Maybe one day I will take the time.


ellen said...

Sunshine, there are a number of ways to post pictures. I use photobucket.com, a free (unless you buy their more advanced version, which I finally did) online photo storage service. There are others (flicker.com, etc.) but I only know photobucket.

Anyhoo, here's what you do:

After you choose a picture that you have scanned, downloaded from your digital camera or Googled, go to photobucket, register and start an album (very user friendly), click on browse, select your photo and click on submit. Edit it, if necessary to the desirable size, then click on IMG to get the HTML code you need. Then edit and paste into your template.


Have fun.

Corinna said...

Well, I am proud of you too! Expecially that I still don;t know what a blogroll is?? As for the picture... the part where you can post you entry... there is an option for pictures... there is a tutorial there too. The way I did it was to post pic into the entry and then I copied and pasted url into the section of my profile. hmmm... when I read that myself it sounds confusing.... the tutorial does a better job explaining. Good Luck and hope to see pics soon.

Anonymous said...


I was all shocked when I saw a new site!!

Yeah you!!

And the pics....well, I use shutterfly, same concept as Ellen. But you can upload pics on blogger without having an assigned url. Blogger will upload from a pic on your digital or computer.

eatmisery said...

I used to use Hello to post pictures, but I use Blogger to post them now. It's just easier, that's all. There's a button/picture you can click on when you post an entry. It says "Add an image" when you put your cursor on it. Click on that and get the photo from whatever folder you have it in by clicking on "Browse" from there. It's easy. You can center it or put it off to the side. Good luck! I can't wait to see what kind of photo you post as your first.