Thursday, June 08, 2006

The time has come...

Yes the time has come to finally buy the bigger carseat. The time has probably honestly been here for a while, but for many reasons I have procrastinated. One of the main reasons that I have procrastinated is the convenience that the infant seat offered. When you get to the store you just take out the seat put it in the cart and you are ready to shop. That is until said infant starts wailing, then you end up taking the squirmy babe out and trying to hold him and push the cart. Oh how I miss the days when he would sleep during our little shopping excursions!

I knew the time was really today when on our way to my mother-in-laws this morning I look back at my little sweet angel and he has managed to pull down the middle harness part and has gotten his arm nearly completely out of the strap of his infant seat. Do you think that is how Houdini got started??? So my little escape artist has forced me to go buy the big seat. I am not excited in the least bit about it. It means my baby is no longer a little baby, well honestly he never was a little baby. He weighed 8 lbs 9 ozs at birth and has been steadily growing since then. At 7 months old he weighs more than 18 lbs and he is more than 27 inches tall. Yeah he isn't a little baby, but he is growing up so fast and I just want to keep him little just a bit longer. Pic is when he was 4 months old, that was 3 months ago!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club!! Oh how I miss the carrier. I haven't braved a grocery run yet but be certain I'll be the lady cursing in the parking lot as I attempt wiggle the babe into her Bjorn!