Friday, June 30, 2006

The post in which I talk about his ex-wife

Thank goodness today is Friday. Friday is jeans day at our office, which means I just wake up and grab some jeans or jean capris that don't need to be ironed and a comfy shirt and come to work. Not today, no today I am dressed. Dressed nicer than I am sometimes during the week. Yeah you see I have to go Vacation Bible School end of the session presentation (or whatever it is called) at the ex-wife's church tonight. So I will not have time to go home and change or do anything but go straight there. Anytime I have to be around her and her "friends" I always try to look my best. It helps that I have lost 30 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy weight, something she has not been able to do and her child is 9. It also helps that I am 8 years younger than her! It just puts me on edge to have to be around her. But for the sake of my (step) daughter I would endure hell, yes that is how much I love her. I also know that it gets under the ex's skin to have to be around me, so I go to everything that involves my daughter. It isn't like we sit on the same aisle as her or anything, we normally sit up in the balcony at any church function so we don't have to look at her. She is so evil she can burn the retinas right out of your eyeballs. I won't talk about her too much, she really isn't worth the energy it would take to type the words. Just know anytime we are in the same room, I will be the better looking (skinnier) one smiling in all my glory!

Little update about work: The problem that I have been working on so diligently is finally freakin' corrected. YES! Oh glorious day this is turning out to be!

Something funny that happened to me yesterday: I had to go to the courthouse for something work related and when I went through the metal detector, it went off. So I had to step over to the side and be wanded down. Would you like to know what made the metal detector go off? My bra. I guess the metal in the hooks are just that powerful that it can set off the metal detector. Anyway me and the person wanding me down really got a kick out of it.

Just rambling today, not much else going on.


Anonymous said...

I found you on "Angels Fight"'s blog - my SIL. I feel the same way about my hubby's ex. He calls her the "Heffer" and since she has remarried and had a baby, so would pass for one. I always try to look my best no matter where we might be going. We had senior night at the football game and she came to see her oldest son(he lives with us)I was dressed nice because we were escorting him on the field and she should up looking like a slob.

Elmwood said...

ok woa!! you lost 30pounds?? so you are less now than before you got pregnant? You are my hero, what's the secret?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I have special outfits for occasions like that...ones where I need to one up someone!

And wow to you! 30 lbs? Really?!?! Here I was all gloating about my 5 lb. lighter number!!

Anonymous said...

30lbs !!!! Shucks I'd like to lose 30ozs.