Monday, June 19, 2006

A weekend of firsts

Well this was a monumental weekend for my little one. He had so many firsts this weekend, he should feel like a new baby today!

We went to Atlanta on Friday for the Braves game. Which by the way they lost, no big surprise there. They are really sucking big time this year! Anyway that was what my hubby wanted for Father's Day. So on Friday, me, the babe, the step-daughter, the mother-in-law and sister-in-law left town around 3 to beat some of the traffic and go ahead and check-in to the hotel before the game and all that good stuff. Hubby was planning to come up after work and just meet us at the stadium.

So 3 1/2 hours later we arrive at the hotel, which is only around 120 miles from home. Yeah TRAFFIC. WAS. AWFUL! To say the least, no accidents or anything, just a bunch of no driving, brake riding, jack-*sses on the road. My baby was good at first in the car because, hello, his sissy was in the car with him and there is no one funnier than his sissy. But as time wore on and he was tired and cranky and ready to get out of the carseat, he started whining. Yeah it was really getting on my nerves, no toys were amusing him, nothing worked! Finally peace and quiet the babe was napping.

Fast forward to arriving at the game, late of course, because who else could leave the house 4 1/2 hours before the freakin' game started and still be late? You guessed it, me and anyone with me, especially hubby's family.

So we walk the 50 blocks or so from our parking space and my babe is fine in the stroller, just enjoying the walk and taking in the sights. That was until we got into the stadium. He got a glimpse of all those people and started wailing. My babe doesn't care for large noisy crowds. So I promptly took him out of the stroller and he just clung to me. He was holding on to me so tight. He knows his mommy will protect him!

We got to our seats, which were on the end of an aisle, thank goodness, he was just screaming and crying. Tears and snot streaming down his face. I kept reassuring him and snuggling him to me and finally after a few minutes he was alright with everything. Then my hubby got there and he was very glad to see him, but he still wanted me to hold him. I let him sip some watered down Sprite out of my cup, too. He enjoyed it. I don't know if he liked the drink or the fact that he was drinking out of my cup!

So after the game there were fireworks. I was so scared that the babe was going to freak out, but surprisingly, he liked them. I held him against my shoulder with my hand over his ears and he watched the lights and WENT TO SLEEP! Yeah, he went to sleep during the fireworks, but the dogs barking at home wakes him up. I don't get it.

His first night sleeping away from home was not as easy. He woke up when we got out of the car at the hotel and he was not happy. So I breastfed him and got the pack 'n play ready and finally got him to sleep. I gently laid him the thing and he woke up and realized that he was not in his bed and this was not his room. The crying started again. Hubby decided to sleep in the other bed so little one could sleep with me. Fun for me, I barely slept all night. I was afraid to roll over or move too much, for fear of crushing him or waking him up. He slept for a few hours before he was ready to get up. I WAS SO TIRED. I felt like a zombie.

I fed him breakfast and we put on our swimsuits to go get in the pool. I slowly got in and put his little feet in the water. Guess what? He hated it too. He started crying so I got out with him and gave him to my mother-in-law and I proceeded to swim with my daughter, who is so much fun to play with in the pool. We do flips and crazy things together that only she and I do.

Fast forward to lunch-time. YAY, we went to the Varsity for lunch. It is a tradition when we go to Atlanta to eat something at the Varsity. Before we were married with children and a mortgage, we would get up on the weekend and drive to the Varsity to eat onion rings and a frosted orange and just hang out in Atlanta for the day. That has changed so much now that we have all this responsibility! Anyway, we went to the Varsity for lunch and my baby boy got to try a Frosted Orange for the first time. YUMMY, of course he loved it. It is like a dreamsicle milkshake. We took pictures of him with his little Varsity hat on. As soon as we get them back I will post them on here. Of course I only had the real camera, not the digital one, so you will have to wait for pics.

We also rode MARTA, the public underground transportation subway train thing. He liked it, I think because he did not have to be in the carseat! I am leaving lots of other details about the trip out, this post was just supposed to be about all the firsts that my baby had this weekend. Maybe one day I will write all the other things about the trip. I know one thing when we finally got home at 10:00 pm on Saturday, my little boy was glad to be in his own bed and so was I.

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