Friday, June 23, 2006

I have a date

I am so excited. I have a date tomorrow afternoon. My date does not know yet that he is going out with me, but I am sure when I tell him, he will be equally excited. The date is with... none other than my hubby. We have not been out alone since before the babe was born, which was more than 7 1/2 months ago. That is a really long time to go without having a date with your significant other. We have both been so stressed out at work lately that I think we deserve an afternoon off. My mom is coming down to our house tomorrow after she gets off work at 3 and keep him for a couple of 4 hours. I want to be back in time for his bedtime routine. One reason that we have not gone out before now is because I don't really have a sitter to leave him with. I don't trust just anyone with my baby or my house. All of our family lives in another town that is at least 30 minutes away. My mother-in-law keeps him everyday, so I feel kind of bad asking her to keep him any on the weekends. Other than my mother-in-law, my mom and my sister-in-law he does not really know anyone else well enough to not freak out after he realizes that we are gone. So anyway I am excited about getting a little break, very long overdue.


Jodi said...

What a doll baby! She is precious!
What is her name? How old?
God I miss babies!

And I am SO flattered - you put me in your "Daily Distractions" list!
YOU are one of MY daily distractions, too!

Nice to meet you - the name is Jodi.

Enjoy your date, and don't feel bad for leaving the baby for a little while. You will be a better mom, a better spouse, and a happier person if you take just a little time for yourself now and then. And as she gets older, you will get a little bit more.

eatmisery said...

I, too, haven't been on a date with my husband in a long time. Have fun for me, too!



Elmwood said...

so what are you guys gonna do on your date?
and seriously could your baby be any freakin' cuter?!?!?!?!?
I'll babysit!!! :)