Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day. This has been a long freakin week, or at least it seems long. I think it seems to be dragging on because of the mess I am trying to fix at the office. We changed to a new server 3 weeks ago and also upgraded our current software, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well I am in charge of pretty much everything here so of course it is my job to get everything working properly on the new system. Well the only problem is that the level of technical support that I have received for the past 3 weeks, really blows! We have been with the same software company for 16 years, since the beginning of time basically and have never had such utterly horrible service from them. There are a few things that they have been totally avoiding me on. I called this morning and of course the person that I need to talk to is assisting another customer, like I believe that, so I left a message. That was at 9:30 this morning. It is now 4:00 in the afternoon. Help me, someone do the math. That is 6 1/2 hours and I still haven't gotten a phone call. I hate to have to sick my boss on them, he will call the owner of the company faster than they can blink their beady little eyes. I just really hate for my boss to call the owner because then I know they all roll their eyes when I have to call for any reason. I know we do that when people call here and complain about us. Anyway, I just want them to get my damn problems fixed so my days can go back to business as usual!


Jodi said...

go get 'em, girl! sic that boss on 'em...if they leave you hanging all day, they get what they deserve!

Anonymous said...

I was the tech support at my old job and that in itself is a joke!!

Me? Tech support!??!

Good luck though, it's so very frustrating when the computers aren't working correctly!