Thursday, August 24, 2006

Complete Randomness

I think today I will use bullets to seperate the complete randmoness. Happy Thursday!
  • Maybe the doctor that made me feel like a bad parent was on to something, or on something, who knows. Anyway, we took his advice and after the last bad night that I wrote about (Sunday night), my little one has been sleeping through the night. I am having to wake him up most mornings so I can leave for work. Yeah so maybe he was right and my little one is capable of going more than 5 hours without my booby juice. I am happy to be sleeping all night again, for the first time since my last trimester in pregnancy. It is F A B U L O U S!
  • My hubby's grandad is back in the hospital. He got out last Friday. He had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and they told them to take him to the hospital ASAP. He was very swollen, his feet and hands and midsection. Turns out he has congestive heart failure, which was making him swell because of all the IV fluids he received in the hospital. So he is back in the hospital, hopefully he will be home soon. Please keep him in your prayers.
  • We went to visit Grandad last night after work and the entrance to the hospital where we parked is the same entrance for the OB part of the hospital. The last time I was there was the morning that my son was born. This time I was pushing him in his stroller, a little more than 9 months later.
  • Hubby likes his new job. This is his 3rd week there and things are really going well. We work in the same town now, so he brings me stuff like sweet tea and Frostys. I LOVE IT!
  • Hubby's birthday is coming up soon and I don't know what to get him. He knows we don't have a lot of money so that puts me in a bad situation. Anyway, I guess I will just take the kids and let them pick him out a few things.
  • Is there a nice way to tell someone that they have body odor? If I had BO I would want someone to tell me, but I don't know how to tell anyone else.
  • I love Pandora. This music website is awesome. If you have never heard of it, go there. It is Keeps me entertained all day at work.
  • I have also registered on our FreeCycle group for my town. I don't know if you have heard of FreeCycle or not. It seems pretty cool. A good way to get rid of things that you don't need and a good way to get something for free that you do need. Thanks K for talking about it the other day. I will be going through my closets this weekend and posting some things. I am so excited! (did the exclamation point give it away?)
  • I also found some new cool blogs to read thanks to MissZoot. She has this thing going on now to pimp out blogs that you read. Anyway thanks Zoot I found a few great ones that I had never read before.

I guess that concludes this broadcast of complete randomness. Hope you enjoyed it!


The Queen B said...

Ahhh...I LOVE Freecycle!

Also, ummmmm? New reads? Are you going to give me a nomination for tomorrow's Lunch on Friday!?!?

Jodi said...

You can be random with me any time you want. Glad "hubby" likes his job AND is getting you little presents...I keep bringing up the vanilla Frosty post to my S.O.!

What about something outrageous, like cowboy boots?


Anonymous said...

I like complete randomness...part of my life and my wife loves it when I get her frostys also. Sometimes when I'm reading other peoples blogs and leaving a comment I will click on some of the others leaving blogs. Some good some bad but I find a few that way. I think Dad would be happy with something the kids picked out for him for his birthday.

Janet said...

Have you checked out the Pandora's Box thing that some guy invented? It allows you to keep Pandora running without having the site up.

Check it out:

Janet said...

Wait, that didnt work right...trying again

Janet said...

Ahh I give up. If you want it, email me or just google Wrapper Application for Pandora. It should work that way:)

Elmwood said...

ok if I had a baby as cute as your little one I could NEVER let him know he was prob just in a bad ignore him, apparently you are one hell of a parent if it worked that quickly!!!

Sorry about the granddad :(

Elmwood said...
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K. said...

You're welcome! Hope ya like it. ;)