Monday, August 28, 2006

Dear readers:

I don't want to write to Dear Abby with my questions, so I thought I would ask for your help with these problems.
  1. Nipple erection- How do you deal with it? It seems to be worse since I started breastfeeding. It is embarrassing to me to walk around with my high beams on all day, but I don't know how to calm them down. Any ideas???
  2. What do you say when people tell you that you have lost weight, not so much complimenting, but just making the statement that whoa you have lost weight? Indeed I have lost weight, not because I was really trying or anything, but hey the weight is gone and you won't hear me complain. Anyway people are always commenting on my weight loss and I really don't know what to say. Should I say something like, "I know I was such a fat ass before."
  3. How do you handle compliments on yourself and your children? I usually just blush and say thank you, uncomfortably.
  4. What do you do when people honk their horns at you? Is it okay to flip them the middle finger and give them a nast look?

You see I need your help dear readers for these are problems that I am dealing with a LOT lately and I don't know how to deal with them. Thank you in advance for any words of wisdom that you can give me.


Elmwood said...

ok t.h.o.--get a bra with a bit of cushioning to it..not necessarily padding,I HATE t.h.o. I get extremely embarassed--hence the not owning any lace or sheer bras rule I have :)

losing weight--SMILE be proud and say "thanks yes I have"

compliments--I get the same way, but usually it's on something I am wearing so I have to tell them where I got it and for how much--lol,,,oh but I just read something on how when someone compliments you thank them with a compliment back
Example: Thank you that is so sweet of you

no flipping off in the day and age of road rage--I scream and rant and rave inside my car--but if I was you kill them with kindness--when they pass *smile* and wave if you want--gets em'

sunShine said...

Thanks Kelly for the great tips!

Janet said...

1. The nipple thing- you can try wearing padded bras to hide it. That's what works for me sometimes, but I dont know if it would be different for breast feeders.

2. I have had people compliment me over the years and that has made me uncomfortable. I try to get better at just saying thanks, but usually I end up awkwardly pointing out something they might not have noticed that is "wrong" with me:)

3. Road rage is a tricky thing. I dont typically get too angry with anyone. I honk my horn at someone and Ive been honked at, but I live in NJ. There's a lot of crazies out there. It's not worth it to piss off the wrong person.:(

K. said...

1. It is worse when you start to breastfeed. There is nothing to be done about it. Display them proudly.

2. I just said "yes, thank you for noticing." Because nursing caused me to lose A LOT of weight.

3. "Thank you". Exactly what you already do.

4. Honk their horns? At me? Um, that has not happened in a very long time. *lol*

The Queen B said...

I agree with Elmwood on the first...definitely go the padded bra route! I found that quite helpful during my breastfeeding days. It might go away once you're done, mine did!

Just assume that Motherhood has given you such a glow about yourself that others didn't see before your little one!!

We get compliments on Camille all the time. The hards one are when they say directly to her "Aren't you adorable". Obviously she can't respond so I just say "Yes, we think she is, thank you!".

As far as this one...I'm a BAD person to get advice from on it! I learned to drive in the DC area where you can't survive the Beltway w/o learning to use the finger!!

Anonymous said...

I think all of those problems for the most part are good ones...except for nipple issue. I really didn't have that problem, but I'm guessing a good bra would help you out. As for the compliments, I say keep em coming! Not everyone gets such nice things said about their weight, or children. I also have a hard time with accepting compliments, but I think I've been better since having a child (especially a daughter). I just always try to say thank you, no matter how emabarassed I might feel about the nice thing being said about me. If someone honks their horn at me as in "Woo Hoo look at that hottie," I laugh and think I made someone's day. If they are honking at me for some other reason - I usually swear and flip the f'er off (but not if Monkey is in the car)

eatmisery said...

Try a thicker nursing pad for you nipple issue. Johnson's work for me, as I have that issue, too.

Cricky said...

1. i don't breastfeed and haven't had a baby in 4 years...and my nipples think its funny to poke out all day long....
and i hate underwire bras, so I have no padding at all. i prefer the little wart sized circle band aids.

2 & 3 Accept them and be proud someone noticed.

4. smile and wave and when your kid is old enough to ask why that person is honking, you can make up fun stories...Kelly thinks people honk at us because her guardian angel's wings are so wide they can hardly see around the car....