Friday, September 29, 2006

Bleeding gums and a fever

The babe is still sick. He is drooling like crazy and he will not eat much. I think his throat hurts. He has had a fever since Sunday. Now his gums are bleeding. He has not slept well since the weekend and neither have I. I am so worried about him. It makes me feel like a bad mother, what have I done wrong? I have called the doctor and we have an appointment at 11, so I will post later to let you all know the outcome of our visit. Thank you all for your well wishes this week. I hope to be back to normal soon.


Anonymous said...

I am no expert, but sounds to me like he might be teething.

Cricky said...

sounds like teething...hope it gets better for you both!

Toothy said...

I hope he is ok? What was the cause of the bleeding? Was it teething or something else?