Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I am still here

Sorry for my absence, I have been sick since Saturday and then on Sunday the babe caught it and now my MIL has it. Fever, stuffy, runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat. We are a sick bunch. I am feeling a little better, but my babe and MIL are not. I have been at home with him all week. He has been so pitiful this week. I did come into the office for a few hours yesterday and I am here for a few hours today. I have an online class that I have to take so I had to come in. Hopefully things will be back to normal, whatever that is, tomorrow. I miss you all and I can't wait to catch up with you!


Cricky said...

sorry you feel bad. Hope it gets better for ya'll!

eatmisery said...

I hope you feel better soon. You were missed!

Brittany said...

Hope the babe gets feeling better soon. I've been sick since Saturday. Is it possible that we are sharing germs through blogging?

Kristi said...

aww.. so sorry to hear you and the little one are sick. Feel better soon, and take care of yourself.

Elmwood said...

aww I hope EVERYONE feels better soon...
online class huh? what class?