Wednesday, December 06, 2006

All apologies

Oh my goodness, please forgive me oh faithful readers, it has been 5 days since my last post. I can't believe I have been so slack. Actually I have not been slack, I have been extremely busy. I also have not read any blogs in at least as many days. I hope to be getting caught up this week. Let me catch you up really fast.

This weekend was fun. We went to Callaway Gardens Saturday night to see the Fantasy in Lights and it was magical. It sparked the Christmas spirit in me and we had a great time. It was cold and we nearly froze to death, but it was worth it. If you are anywhere near there, go see the lights, you will enjoy it. I did not take any pictures because I tend to get lost behind the camera and have a hard time actually focusing on the things going on around me when I am snapping pictures, so I left the camera in its bag and did not take one picture of any of the lights. I did take a picture of my sleeping baby after the tour. He was sleeping so peacefully as we walked through the gift shop and took turns holding him.

We did get our tree Saturday. We went to get it Friday, but everywhere was closed, so we got it Saturday. It is an ugly tree. It has a huge hole that no matter how many ornaments and lights I try to cover it with just won't go away. It is not a fat tree and it is not very tall, but honestly it was the best tree that we could find. Maybe it was a bad Christmas tree year. I got the lights put on it Monday night and we put the ornaments on it last night. So far the babe has not cared one little bit about it. We have 4 Christmas trees this year! We have one in the babe's room that is about 2 or 3 foot tall and it is a Pooh Bear tree. We have one in our den that our daughter decorates in all pink and purple, that is her tree. This year I got a small real tree for our dining room. It is my favorite. I decorate our dining room in blue and silver snowmen. My tree has a blue and silver bow on the top and blue and white lights and blue and silver balls. It is very simple, but I just love it. From someone who did not even want to put a tree, we now have 4!

Hubby has gotten most of the outside lights up. He worked on it until late in the night on Monday and he hopefully will finish with them tonight. The babe loves the outside lights! We have one of the blow up snowglobes and a blow up penguin and a small blow up Santa. We also have a runway for Santa and so many other things that I am not going to name them, just think of Christmas Vacation. Anyway, we do it for the kids and they LOVE it, so it makes it all worth while.

I spent most of the day Sunday decorating the inside of the house. I have entirely too many Christmas decorations. I did not put a lot of stuff out, because I just don't have time or room to put it. My house is now decorated for Christmas.

I had jury duty Monday, which I had completely forgotten about until Saturday. I spent most of the day at the courthouse only not to be chosen at the end. It was a case of Theft by receiving stolen property and the stolen property happened to be jewelry. Our house was broken into 2 years ago and the only thing they took was my jewelry, so of course I did not get picked for that jury. It was quite an experience and I realy didn't mind having to go. I did have to stand up in front of a group of people and talk several times and that made me very nervous and anxious. I do not like talking in front of a crowd. I dropped several classes in college because as part of the curriculum I would have had to give a presentation or a speech and I just can't do it. Having jury duty did get me out of the office for a day and while we were waiting I did get the thank you notes from the babe's birthday finished. Having jury duty also meant being away from the office while my boss was away from the office. I was so far behind yesterday I ran all day long. My phone rang off the hook and I had several errands for the office that had to be done, so I just did not have time for anything but work. Today is a new day and I think I have gotten a little more caught up, so maybe soon I get caught up with all of my regular reads. I missed you guys.

I made the kids get dressed in their Christmas outfits on Sunday morning so I could take some pictures of them. I managed to get one to load on blogger. Maybe I will try to load some more later.


Cricky said...

Glad to hear it all went well. I love that picture. I wanted Jury duty so bad and was quite peeved when I wasn't selected for the trials. I want to excercise my rights too man!

Jodi said...

Great pics!
You sound as busy as I am!

Elmwood said...

this pic TOTALLY makes up for the lack of posts
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable pics!! You've got cute kids!
Can't wait to see pics of your trees and lights too with blowup santas and RUNWAYS?? HMM...That I must see!!!

Glad you got a tree..or 4. Funny!!

eatmisery said...

What a great picture!

Kristi said...

I am so jealous that your house is all decorated, tree and all. I have a tree, but it's bare. I have some, but not all decorations out. Oh, and my house is an explosion of baby stuff. I figure I should have everything sorted out and ready for year.

PS: that picture is too cute!