Friday, January 14, 2005

Happy Friday

I am in a much better mood today. Amazing what some sex and a good nights sleep will do for you. Hey I don't want to hear any of that, I am having lots of sex trying to conceive this baby. Hubby has been laughing at me because everytime we have sex I prop my rear end up on pillows so the sperm will know which way to swim. I had a doctors appointment this morning with my General Practice doctor, just a routine check-up for my meds refill. I love my doctorm he is so nice. I told him about trying to start a family and he was very reassuring. He said the same thing my OB/GYN said, try for a year, if nothing then we start testing for the problem. Anyway so I have a few months left before we get to that point. On my way to the doctor my assistant called me to let me know that we were having Steak Out for lunch. One word, Yummy! It is my co-workers 50th birthday so my boss decided that we should have lunch as well as pineapple upside down cake. Could my day get any better? Glad you asked, because yes it can. My assistant left after lunch, her dad is in the hospital. My boss left shortly before my assistant and then his wife left. So what does that mean? Yes you guessed it I get the afternoon off to write in my blog and catch up on some reading. Not really off, I have to stay in the office and pretend to work so my co-workers don't get jealous, but it will be a nice quiet stress-free afternoon. I am loving it. Oh yeah and we are going to hubby's grandparents for supper so I don't have to cook. Happy Friday to me. I am doing a little happy Friday dance in my chair. I hope everyone else is having a happy Friday as well.


Elmwood said...

Good for you sunshine--it's SO nice to have good sex and a good day to follow--so nothing ruins it.....
Your baby will come...God will give it to you when you LEAST expect it--you must be having ALOT of fun trying though ;)~

Webmiztris said...

good luck getting pregnant! At least it's fun trying; right?


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the baby making.And thanks for the visit to my blog.Drop by anytime!
Emily aka madmommy